I am not new.

But I have fallen off track since my husband came home a month and a half ago from deployment. I was doing so well while he was gone lost over 80lbs and now that he is home it all went down hill. I am looking for some more friends to help motivate me so feel free to add me. Today is my first day back in about a week...I have been off and on with this and I want to be back for good.


  • LeanMeanJeanne
    LeanMeanJeanne Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome back!!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Welcome back! Argh.....those husbands.They mean well, but we all know how it goes. Feel free to add me!
  • kailawilkerson87
    aww well at least your got that far. I have about 130 to lose. i just started a couple days ago, lost 10 pounds already then found this site, so i am new to the site :) just joined. I used to have the ap on my smart phone, and never used it. But got serious about 3 days ago when i realised I was over 300 pounds. I freaked. Didnt realise I let myself go so bad after my son was born. So I really want to lose weight to be healthy and more active for him. As it is its hard to go to the park and do things with him. I know now its the only way I can be the best mom i can be. So I definitley need friends and support in this long journey I have ahead of myself.
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome back :) I'm always accepting more friends, the more the merrier!
    I am 22, 5"3, with 92 more lbs to go.
  • gemfada1
    gemfada1 Posts: 18 Member
    We could all use someone to motivate us, feel free to add me :-)