3 weeks of eating healthy and working out and up 4 pounds!

I dont understand, been eating super healthy. My maximum was 1400 calories when I work out but usually keep it to 1200 and sometimes even lower but I went from 148 pounds to 152 again!I used to eat around 800 calories a day so now being up at 1200 is really hard for me. I have been playing a lot of tennis and frisbee and have noticed a little bit more muscle definition but still up 4 pounds. My inches are the same and my body fat % is the same. Will this trend continue or will I begin losing weight after the gain?

I play tennis 3-5 times a week and frisbee 4-5 times a week.

I have had a few small binges of a cookie or a cupcake but nothing extreme, this weight gain is driving me crazy!


  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    You might possible put on muscle or converted your fat into muscle.

    You might have to take measurements instead of depending on the scale.
  • kentmac
    kentmac Posts: 101 Member
    "... have noticed a bit more muscle definition"

    Don't worry about the scale, it isn't always the gold standard of progress. Did you take photos before you started? I find that monthly progress photos are hands down the best way to really see if you're going in the right direction, especially for someone who is close to an ideal bodyweight.

    Also, if you're doing body part circumference measurements, do it in millimeters, not inches. Changes of a few fractions of a centimeter are the kinds of changes you'll be seeing on a week to week basis.

    It sounds like you're doing everything right, so give it a bit more time. I think you'll be surprised by what you see in a few more weeks.
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    I never thought of doing measurements in millimeters since I always do it to the nearest half of an inch, definitely will try that!
    I took some pictures when I was about 20 pounds heavier, but I think I should start with another sort of midway point of my progress. Thank you for the feedback, I was just so used to seeing changes on the scale that when I started working out that reversed and its driving me nuts. I think Ill weight myself again in november or so and see how it goes, but for now, continuing working out. Thank you!
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I had that l started the gym 4 weeks ago and l gained 5lbs. I was eating right and doing lots of exercise and could not understand why l had gained this much weight. But today l had got on the scales and had lose 7lbs. I believe it is the body getting use to all the new things you are doing to it and it will stop once it is use to it. You will see a change do not stop what you are doing, keep up the all the good work you are doing. As l was about to give up until this morning and saw the change. I am now going to work harder at it.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    There is a good chance that eating 1,200 and playing tennis as often as you do is just not enough food for your body. It may sound "crazy" but a lot of people on here will vouch for the "eat more, weigh less" maybe try upping it to 1,400?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    If you were only eating 800 before, it might take your metabolism a little while to catch up! My advice would be to keep doing what you're doing and eventually things should work themselves out and you'll start losing again! good luck :)
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    your not eating enough to fuel basic daily life. check your tdee and eat 15% less.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    You might possible put on muscle or converted your fat into muscle.

    Doubtful you've put on muscle at your current weight and the fact you're at a deficit, and a big one. And fat does not convert into muscle. So no. Just no.

    Likely it's water retention. Muscles retain water and stuff, and your body holds onto junk when you eat inadequately.
    1200 and as much activity as you do is not enough. You need to fuel yourself to lose weight.

    Measurements definitely, and certainly more accurately than by half-inches, yes.
    Weight DOES fluctuate by nature remember. Bodies are odd like that. Unless you notice a physical difference or the trend in weighing over time suggests you're gaining, then you're probably ok. Still think you're underfuelling though. Your body needs 1200 (or more) in a coma.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    You might possible put on muscle or converted your fat into muscle.

    Doubtful you've put on muscle at your current weight and the fact you're at a deficit, and a big one. And fat does not convert into muscle. So no. Just no.

    Likely it's water retention. Muscles retain water and stuff, and your body holds onto junk when you eat inadequately.
    1200 and as much activity as you do is not enough. You need to fuel yourself to lose weight.

    Especially how you said you were eating 800 a day before. Your body needs some time to adjust to eating more - like a LOT more.
  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    How often you weigh yourself is key also, MFP suggests you weigh yourself once a week, same day, preferably before breakfast. Try picking your day and stick with it, i like Thursday or Friday mornings, because weekends are well you know, different, i find once Monday roles around I'm back on track. Your scale could you a check, if you have say 10ls of flour or even weights to see if its up to scale, lol. Keep doing MFP and you will loose weight, ask anyone here, they are a great bunch of support.

  • Katalyst77
    There is a good chance that eating 1,200 and playing tennis as often as you do is just not enough food for your body. It may sound "crazy" but a lot of people on here will vouch for the "eat more, weigh less" maybe try upping it to 1,400?

    Yes ^this^ but increase slowly...or you will gain.

    Watch this..it is Jillian Michaels giving advice on this very thing.

    Calculate your BMR and TDEE and stay between them for weightloss. They recommend subtracting 20% from your TDEE.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    "... have noticed a bit more muscle definition"

    Don't worry about the scale, it isn't always the gold standard of progress. Did you take photos before you started? I find that monthly progress photos are hands down the best way to really see if you're going in the right direction, especially for someone who is close to an ideal bodyweight.

    (Also, if you're doing body part circumference measurements, do it in millimeters, not inches. Changes of a few fractions of a centimeter are the kinds of changes you'll be seeing on a week to week basis.)

    Thank you for saying this.

    It sounds like you're doing everything right, so give it a bit more time. I think you'll be surprised by what you see in a few more weeks.
  • chicksfish
    chicksfish Posts: 3 Member
    my health coach warned me for the same she said drink more water.
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you guys so much, Im new-ish to MFP and so excited to have a bunch of support :happy:

    Wow gained 5 and lost 7, thats definitely very motivating.

    I'll try to keep the time I weigh myself the same, and do the measurements but I'm so surprised how much the scale actually doesn't matter as much as I thought it does.

    I'll try upping my calorie intake on the days I work out hard because I know when I started I'd try to stick to 1200 but would end up just craving to eat more because of the intense workout. I definitely feel so much better right now. I'd look at myself at the mirror before I weight myself and I'd be happy but then when I see the number I automatically see myself as being 10 pounds more than I am.

    Another thing, it's getting chillier and I wont be able to get out as much as I do, so tennis might be limited but when my activity is limited should I still keep on with the same amount of calories even if I up it up a bit? (:
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Good topic with some good responses! My weight loss has been anything but linear and in the first few weeks I actually had gained a couple of pounds. I continued with eating healthy and working out and down 22 pounds :) and expecting another whoosh soon because my clothes are looser lately.....
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you guys so much, Im new-ish to MFP and so excited to have a bunch of support :happy:

    Wow gained 5 and lost 7, thats definitely very motivating.

    I'll try to keep the time I weigh myself the same, and do the measurements but I'm so surprised how much the scale actually doesn't matter as much as I thought it does.

    I'll try upping my calorie intake on the days I work out hard because I know when I started I'd try to stick to 1200 but would end up just craving to eat more because of the intense workout. I definitely feel so much better right now. I'd look at myself at the mirror before I weight myself and I'd be happy but then when I see the number I automatically see myself as being 10 pounds more than I am.

    Another thing, it's getting chillier and I wont be able to get out as much as I do, so tennis might be limited but when my activity is limited should I still keep on with the same amount of calories even if I up it up a bit? (:
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Good topic with some good responses! My weight loss has been anything but linear and in the first few weeks I actually had gained a couple of pounds. I continued with eating healthy and working out and down 22 pounds :) and expecting another whoosh soon because my clothes are looser lately.....

    Keep going! Congrats on the loss!
    I havent worked out in forever and started again and forgot how agonizing the beginning is, definitely discouraging but just gotta keep going.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    No good suggestions because I'm freaking out over the 2 pounds I gained when I expected to lose. I want to throw things and eat about a million Doritos with dip. Then I'd deserve a gain.

    But that's counter-productive. We just have to keep the faith that if we keep doing the right things, the results will come.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Don't give it a second thought. Unless you ate an extra 17500 (3500 calories to gain 1 lb times 5lbs you gained) calories over whatever calories are required to maintain your weight, you don't have a thing to worry about. It is more than likely additional water your body is retaining to repair your muscles from exercising. Same thing happened to me. It lasted 2 weeks. Then the scale budged. Over a couple days, I shed that 5lbs and an extra 2. Give it time. Keep eating right, logging and exercising and be patient.
  • keina629
    keina629 Posts: 29 Member
    This has happened to me too! I'm around the same weight as you and when I started on MFP I ate about 1000 calories a day and exercised a load and absolutely no weight came off, which I think was (a) muscle gain cause my legs have become more toned, and (b) I wasn't eating enough!!
    Over the last two weeks I have upped my calories to about 1500 (which has actually been tricky cause I feel like I'm eating too much and surely eating more can't = weight loss) and am trying to do about 45 mins of cardio a day (though this doesn't always happen) Fingers crossed that it works, i'm a bit nervous to weigh myself - but I feel way better anyway!
    Good luck to you!!! :)