Video Recommendations?

Anyone have any good exercise video recommendations for beginner level? I'm looking into new options and am pretty much open to any type of fitness, as long as it doesn't require tons of coordination (I'm pretty lousy at that). Specific titles that you enjoy would be great!


  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    One of my favorite videos is Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training. You will need dumbbells. I started with 3 lb weights and now I use 8 lb. weights. I like it because it is basically all strength training moves but done with high reps and no rest between sets. So, I definitely get my heart rate up enough to be considered a cardio workout but, the moves are easy to follow. You can do a full body workout that is 40 minutes or you can do 15 minute circuits for either legs, arms or abs. I bought the video of of amazon for around $10 I think.

    There are also a ton of videos on YouTube. 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels is on there. I also like the Crunch Boot Camp video that is on there. Look up BenderFitness on YouTube also. She is a MFP member that post workout videos on YouTube that she makes in her home. There are a lot of Tae Bo videos on YouTube as well.

    Good luck and congratulations on getting started. Remember that no matter what workout you do just do what you can. Some of these videos I had to modify some of the moves because at 255 lbs. I physically could not do them. The important thing is to keep moving whether it is at a slower pace or modified move. You may be sore in the beginning but don't get discouraged. I remember the first time I did the Crunch video I came very close to throwing up. Now I do it and throw in some time on the eliptical after it is over. I am a stay at home mom so videos are what has kept me moving. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • lorimor80
    lorimor80 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much! I will definitely be looking into these. :)