How low should I set my calories to to lose 30lbs?

Hello there my name is Donna and I am 5'2 and currently weigh 188.7lbs. I am in process of weaning my toddler and in desperate need of shedding the rest of the weight!

my first goal is to hit 155lbs.

SO... how low should I set my goals to? its currently at lose 2lbs per week and Im at 1230 calories. not sure if Im tired just from the busy week or what but I can't seem to stay awake! Is this too low? I do exercise all the time, usually walking for an hour three to four times per week, belly dance, karate, and some weight training*light for now till I get money to invest in heavier weights*

Thank you in advance for your advice!



  • If u are still nursing you might need to eat a little more until you are completely done. Also make sure you are getting enough protein. That usually helps me. I'm also 5'2" and started at 168 7 weeks ago. I'm currently at 156. I set my weight loss for 1.5 pounds a week cuz I figured I could maintain that for the long run. I have found when I eat enough protein and make sure I get at least 8 glasses of water I'm good for energy. Good luck with your journey.
  • yes that seems really low, do you know how many calories you were getting before? your maitnance calories to maintain your current body weight would be 188x15 = 2800 calories so to loose weight id start by cutting 500 calories from that so 2300 calories would be a good staring point. id try that for a number of weeks then adjust acordingly depending on your results.
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Thank you for the advice everyone! I upped the protien with dinner *we had burritos loaded with black beans, lean turkey, tons of veggies and cheese* and I feel loads better!

    Konigshaus: 2300 calories seems so high!!! LOL wouldn't I gain? or maybe your absolutely correct and that is why Im not really budging I would be willing to try it, anything is better than feeling sluggish and run down!
  • it may seem high to you when you hear all these people throwing these crazy low numbers up, at such a low deficit you body would kind of be be in "survival mode" and you would be sluggish because you simply arent getting enough calories to give you any energy. Plus your body will start to store more fat as well. Do you have any idea how many calories where before you were trying to loose? Im not an expert this is just based on what i have learned, but i would start out at around 2300 calories per day assuming you are eating a pretty clean diet , with lots of whole foods and see how your body responds to that. besides, you will need enough to pass on some of that nutrition to your child as well
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    well my TDEE would be: 2242 calories and my BMR: 1630

    I dont think I could ever eat that many cals LOL unless I incorperate more EVOO and avacado and nuts LOL

    I try to eat clean but I also enjoy good food too :D
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Take your TDEE and subtract 20%. Start there. So that'd be around 1800. Try that for a month and see where you are.
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    4 months

    You can add me and join my support group if you want….

    If you set your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.....
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Are you logging your exercise and breastfeeding and eating the extra calories you earn? That might be a good place to start if you're feeling rundown. I'd also recommend resetting your MFP goal to 1 pound a week if you have it set higher.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    No advice, but well done for nursing into toddlerhood, mama!
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    Innerfatgirl : thank you so much! :D I love to nurse!!! But Im also happy that he is finally down to 3 to 2 feedings now :D Im ready and he is ready too :D I think Im going to cry when he is weaned completely, my husband may too *tears of JOY that is LOL*

    Diannethegeek: I dont log the nursing calories, because Im not sure how... but I log the exercise and eat back on average maybe half of the exercise calories earned, some days more.

    Brokenstarr: Thank you for the encouragement! I look forward to becoming your friend and checking out your group! :D

    Amber: good advice! Im currently at 1430 a day to lose 11/2 lbs per week and so far so good, but I think I will try that suggestion next if what Im doing is not working.

    You all are so supportive and kind I love this community!