


  • I'm here to introduce myself. I've always prided myself on being a good weight...I was 100 pounds before my 4 babies and then went up to 120 which wasn't that bad....Now I've hit menopause. I'm at 150 and climbing. I can't seem to get a handle on my weight. I've tried several low carb/low fat diets, but it hasn't really worked.

    I've always been pretty sedentary. I work at the computer all day, so that hasn't changed.

    Help! I even started a web site to look up stuff to put on it like good recipes. (everything I've found tastes like crap)

    I really am new to this dieting thing but I have to do something!

    You can contact me via gmail or yahoo messenger

    Just say you are from "my fitness pal"
    Looking for good recipes for me and my site.

    (website: if you want to put it--
  • lioness0806
    lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
    Good for you taking charge of your situation! We are all here with the same goals in mind, to lose weight and/or get healthier.
  • Please do not be ashamed. You found this site, which is really a great tool to lose weight. Give it a try and move forward. You can do it.
  • I'm currently 189 lbs at 5'4, and I'm completely ashamed of myself. Just 3 years ago I was 140 lbs, and then I just let myself go. Lately I've had this overwhelming desire to change, and in the process of that I have lost 2 lbs (I was 191 two weeks ago). I just thought that having a Food Diary on hand would help me understand what I'm doing wrong, and so I'm here. :smile:

    I hope everyone achieves the weight they desire, and I wish you all the best of luck on your journeys!!! :flowerforyou:

    Look here, chickie-poo.... you can't be ashamed now. You are taking steps toward change, and getting back in shape. That is amazing, and difficult... and you're doing it! I'm proud of you!
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Nothing to be ashamed of! You're taking the first steps in the right direction .. and don't be discouraged. We all have crappy days -- we're human.

    Brush the dust off .. get up and keep moving forward again! you can do it! We're here to cheer you on! :heart:
  • Don't be ashamed. You are human, and you made some choices that didn't work out for the best. We are all here with you because of the same thing. I started my journey two years ago at 262 lbs and a size 22. Within a year, I was down to 192 lbs and in a 12. I was happy as hell, and since I carry weight in a way that makes me look smaller than I am...I relaxed. I stopped worrying about the calories. That coupled with leaving my high energy job, and I've managed to get back to 218. I think I will be forever scarred by having to go buy bigger pants. Sounds silly, I know. Anyway, the point of this ramble is that we are with you in this. If we can grow to these sizes, then we can shrink! :bigsmile:
  • galfan
    galfan Posts: 13
    I can relate. I am 40 yrs old, 5'3" and before I decided to go on a diet 3 weeks ago, I was at my heaviest weight EVER at 227 lbs. I have now lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks and have begun baby steps at exercising due to back & foot problems. I was a mere 115# when I became pregnant with my child 18 yrs ago...gained 70 pounds; lost 30 pounds after she was born & then re-gained the weight PLUS more because I had low self-esteem and a non-supportive boyfriend. In the past year, I have reconnected with someone I dated when we were both 15; fell in love and have been regaining the self-esteem I lost and now I want to be healthy to be around a long, long time and grow old with him. He helped me find myself.
  • I started about where you are now and am now at 167. No need to be ashamed, we are all human and we are capable of change, good or bad. Do what you need to do for your health and well being. :)
  • Dear Ashamed,

    First, don't do this because you feel bad about yourself. Do it because you love yourself and feel good about doing something
    nice for yourself. I find filling in what I eat, if I am busy I just write quick reminders of what I have eaten to write down later.
    Keep tabs on your exercise as well. Even a few calories burned is encouraging! Habit is the best way to lose weight and keep
    it off and I have found it has become just a part of my day and I like being in a size 8 as opposed to a size 12 and I am sure
    you will to. Keep up the good work and your positive thoughts! We are all cheering you on. :love:
  • its great that you have lost 2 pounds just by putting your mind to it :) remember this is a journey you didn't get here in a day and it won't fix itself in a moment either. these are steps you should be proud of... most take a lifetime to figure it out and your on track Congratulations and welcome
  • its great that you have lost 2 pounds just by putting your mind to it :) remember this is a journey you didn't get here in a day and it won't fix itself in a moment either. these are steps you should be proud of... most take a lifetime to figure it out and your on track Congratulations and welcome
  • tdp575
    tdp575 Posts: 55
    I'm 5'1 and 182lbs....Well, 179 since I weighed myself today :tongue: I completely understand how you feel! I was 118lbs 5 years ago. The smallest I've been since then is 155lbs. Have faith in yourself and keep up the good work! I've lost 3lbs this week :bigsmile: Feel free to add me! The way I like to think about it is, it took awhile to put on this weight and it won't be lost overnight....Good luck and stay strong!
  • Don't feel ashamed :cry: The fact that you are taking the steps toward a healthier lifestyle says alot. You just have to realize that it's a lifestyle change. I have been using Diet Free For Life (google it) and I have dropped 17 lbs. It's a wonderful diet because it's not really a diet. You are still allowed to have a lot of the foods you love and enjoy. :happy: Good luck and hang in there. :smile:
  • cod hon u can do it it is a accoplisment to lose a pound keep up the good work
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I'm so new to this....................the only thing I can say is, don't give up, and do EVERYTHING, one day at a time. You can only change today, tomorrow has it's own concerns and problems, and face those tomorrow! One day at a time, and you'll go FAR!
  • i think most of us here have been where you are, and probably feel as you do....i know i did. but the good thing is, you have acknowledged the problem and decided to do something about it. :flowerforyou: i wish you all the success in your journey to a new and healthier life.
  • MUMommy
    MUMommy Posts: 28 Member
    You can do it! You just need to take it one day at a time. I bet you over half the people on MFP have gain and lost the same 10-30 pounds (guilty). Hang in got this!
  • I'm currently 189 lbs at 5'4, and I'm completely ashamed of myself. Just 3 years ago I was 140 lbs, and then I just let myself go. Lately I've had this overwhelming desire to change, and in the process of that I have lost 2 lbs (I was 191 two weeks ago). I just thought that having a Food Diary on hand would help me understand what I'm doing wrong, and so I'm here. :smile:

    I hope everyone achieves the weight they desire, and I wish you all the best of luck on your journeys!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm so glad you are on here. I wish you the best of luck and congrats on losing your 1st set of 2 pounds.
    You will do great!!

    I am 188 lbs at 5'1" and have lost 7 lbs since I joined MFP a month ago. I used to be 135 lbs 8 years ago, then I quit smoking cold turkey and have tried losing weight many times using Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers. I'd lose little, then gain it back again. I've been tempted a few times to start smoking again, but knew that was not the answer and I needed to lose the weight the healthy way. I do know how you feel, and now I am hoping to start feeling better about myself again soon.

    You will do great!! We just all keep the support and encouragement for each other :happy:
  • ssb16
    ssb16 Posts: 38 Member
    I went from 150lbs to 210 lbs and now back down to 195llbs. I have a long way to go. I could say I'm ashamed of myself but I accept I made bad decisions food wise and did not exercise. I can't stress that you should think positively and you can achieve anything you set yourself to do. That being said none of us can convince you of this, its up to strong and plan your spiral down.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    No reason to ne ashamed. It's great that you are here. This site is an excellent tool to use to get back on track.

    Feel free to add me. Wishing you success on your journey to health and fitness!