LOVE THIS!! Children on diets???

Watch this video! It is Jillian Michaels talking about children on diets.

I am looking to break this cylce of obesity in my family and I have changed the way we all eat and our activity level. We have been going for hikes, walks, and bike rides together. What I want to know from you is... what do YOU do with your kids for fun and exercise in the winter months? I know we can still do the walks and hikes...but what do you do when it is just too nasty to go outside?


  • emandlukeplusone
    emandlukeplusone Posts: 38 Member
    Bump...curious for ideas.

    This will be our first winter as a family into fitness but I know our gym has a downstairs track that allows kids and they have a great playcenter in thier childcare area and indoor heated pool. I think we will probably utilize that a lot when it gets icky and we want out of the house. Maybe there is a gym in your area that has accomadations for children.

    We have an unfinished basement that we might try to clear out so they can play with thier tricycles and scooters also.

    maybe have dance to music time everyday just to get down and get silly and I will know they moved around some.

    any other ideas out there?
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    How old are your kids? The skate rink is always fun. Chuck e cheese's has a lot to do. Just skip the pizzas nad half the menu
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    We have been buying Wii games that we can all play together : Just Dance I,II,III. Golds gym, Fit Active, Cardio workout, Zumba I,II, Walk It Out, Sports, Sports Resort. We also have a ymca membership with a indoor pool, Rollerskating, Ice skating, Bounce U. Anything that will get us all up and moving together and having fun while doing it !
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    Well my daughter does 3hrs of dance a week plus cheer so she is very active. But I allow running in my house if we are playing games. We do dance offs using Just Dance on the wii (get my butt kicked everytime). My sister and I also get together with the kids once a week and we do wii fitness competitions. Yes I know its a video game so its not the best but hey it's something. I also believe that out door time even in the winter is essential... I don't worry as much about how she gets exercise as I worry about how much I do. She is a kid and is always. Also yoga is a great indoor exercise for a family.
  • Tann19
    Tann19 Posts: 94 Member
    dancing to music and wii sports or just dance series would work.
    you could also have competitions where everyone tries to better their own results, daily pushups, situps or squats
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    any activity is good, doesn't really matter what it is.

    But the core part of breaking any cycle is diet. period.

    And the core part of that is of course to never ever utter the phrase 'finish all the food on your plate'. Teaching your kids to overeat and ignore satiety responses is a great way to teach them to get fat.
  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    WE have the WII for days that it is too nasty.
  • aussiemegs82
    We too bought a Wii and its great for those days you can't get outside. The personal trainer game kicks my *kitten*. I often burn more calories on that then I do on outside stuff. And my 12 year old loves it.
  • aussiemegs82
    any activity is good, doesn't really matter what it is.

    But the core part of breaking any cycle is diet. period.

    And the core part of that is of course to never ever utter the phrase 'finish all the food on your plate'. Teaching your kids to overeat and ignore satiety responses is a great way to teach them to get fat.

    Yep. And a another big one is "Here, have a <insert unhealthy food>" as way of providing comfort or reward.
  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    During the winter months I take my kids to the mall to walk around and for the play areas for them to run around. My community center also has an indoor track that we can walk/run on if needed.

    A PP mentioned never saying "finish all the food on your plate" to your kids and I think that really depends on the child. I actually reward my 4yo for cleaning his plate because otherwise he will only eat one thing on there and then an hour later he is complaining that he's hungry. My 2yo however rarely leaves anything on his plate so when he gets older I doubt I will have to use the same technique. My point is mainly that all kids are different and you need to decide how to work thier eating style based on them individually. Just my two cents on that.