Scale or Measurements?

Ugh, I'm so afraid to step on the scale...I've been avoiding it for quite awhile now, as it seems it just makes me feel worse about myself..but maybe its what I need to do to really get my motivation going...not sure..or maybe measurements would be better for now. Just seems like I'm trying so hard, but not seeing much success, which is kind of making me depressed, I know weight loss isn't easy, sometimes I wonder if I am insulin resistant? if anyone has suggestions or personal experiences and is willing to share them with me, I would greatly appreciate the advice : )


  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    I would do both. So that you can keep track of both from the start line. and weigh and measure every week.
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    Even if you're keeping an eye on the scale, make sure you take your measurements!! I hit a 9 week plateau, and the ONLY reason I didn't give up was my measurements. I could still see that I was losing inches, even if the scale wasn't moving.... seriously, I dropped from a size 12 to almost a size 8 before the scale moved again.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I agree with GreyEyes21
  • In my experience, sugar is really the enemy. If you give up or cut down those thing significantly, you should see some promising results. Also, protein is your friend, 80-100g of protein a day will sure get you the results that you are looking for. Good luck!
  • believe1922
    believe1922 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the advice- guess I'm just going to have fight my inner demons, take a deep breath and step on the scale and find my tape measure. Hopefully the numbers won't get me too discouraged...going to try my hardest to use these numbers as my motivators.
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I measured my waist yesterday and was so surprised to find that it was an inch and a half smaller than August 2 (the last time I had measured). I have lost 7 pounds in that time, but I though it would take 10 pounds to lose an inch off my waist. So yes it was very encouraging since my weight loss is only about 1 pound every 10 days.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member

    Then - put both away.

    Weigh yourself, take all your measurements then put it away. Because some weeks your weight is going to stall and if you're hopping on the scales all the time it might dishearten you. And because if you measure yourself every week you won't see the motivating numbers you may need to stay on course.

    It's hard to break the scale habit - I've gone from a daily weigher to once on a Friday and then I forget about it, hard as that is. I had not lost anything for a couple of weeks then I had a 4lb loss this week - as people will tell you weight loss is not linear, it comes off in chunks.

    Just keep in your head, if you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit then you're going to lose weight eventually. Don't let the scales freak your face in :)
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm using both to track my progress but right now I'm focusing more on how my clothes fit. I've only lost 16 lbs. since I started keeping track of calories and exercise every day again, but I've gone from a 39 inch waist to a 30 (my goal is a 28 or so). I used to wear a 12-14 and now I'm in a 10 (or even a 9 in some cases).
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Even if you're keeping an eye on the scale, make sure you take your measurements!! I hit a 9 week plateau, and the ONLY reason I didn't give up was my measurements. I could still see that I was losing inches, even if the scale wasn't moving.... seriously, I dropped from a size 12 to almost a size 8 before the scale moved again.

    THIS... I stepped on the scale this morning. If it hadn't been for the tape measure, I would've been really upset. Instead, I went over to the mirror and checked myself out. I've been "this weight" before but it didn't look the way it looks now. :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Scale weight is good for a general estimate of where you want to be, but in the short term, the numbers can be very deceiving. I used to weigh myself once a week, then measure myself every other week. I have now reversed that and only weigh in every other week and use the tape measure weekly. I am also doing regular strength training, and burning fat is more important to me than "losing weight." So the body scale is simply one way to make sure I am still on track. Also, there have been a few times already where I keep losing inches every week, but the scale barely moves, if at all, then after a few weeks of losing inch after inch....WHOOSH!....I'm down several pounds, seemingly overnight.
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I'd do both ... and then step away for a few weeks. I lost 2.8 pounds between the beginning of September and the beginning of October (which was okay, but not quite what I was aiming for); however, in that same period of time I lost just over 9" in total. I'd like the scale to be moving more, but I'm much happier with the smaller measurements.
  • Both! But, don't get caught up with the number. (unless it continues to go up of course) Sometimes you will see a gain or perhaps see the same number as last week; when in your mind you had a perfect week. Other weeks you will see a loss; when you didn't do as well. As long as you continue to develop healthy eating/exercise HABITS, you will see the fruits of your labor. Stay encouraged and know that hard work and dedication will give you the results that you are looking for. Good luck!
  • believe1922
    believe1922 Posts: 59 Member
    Both! But, don't get caught up with the number. (unless it continues to go up of course) Sometimes you will see a gain or perhaps see the same number as last week; when in your mind you had a perfect week. Other weeks you will see a loss; when you didn't do as well. As long as you continue to develop healthy eating/exercise HABITS, you will see the fruits of your labor. Stay encouraged and know that hard work and dedication will give you the results that you are looking for. Good luck!

    Thanks so much with the encouraging words, just having the support and knowledge of others like you...makes me feel so much more hopeful and determined that my hard work will pay off. Thanks so much! : )
  • believe1922
    believe1922 Posts: 59 Member

    Then - put both away.

    Weigh yourself, take all your measurements then put it away. Because some weeks your weight is going to stall and if you're hopping on the scales all the time it might dishearten you. And because if you measure yourself every week you won't see the motivating numbers you may need to stay on course.

    It's hard to break the scale habit - I've gone from a daily weigher to once on a Friday and then I forget about it, hard as that is. I had not lost anything for a couple of weeks then I had a 4lb loss this week - as people will tell you weight loss is not linear, it comes off in chunks.

    Just keep in your head, if you are logging accurately and eating at a deficit then you're going to lose weight eventually. Don't let the scales freak your face in :)

    That sounds like a great plan, I'll take it a step at a time, by doing a weigh-in and measurements at the end of each week.
    Also like you said, keeping a log will greatly help as well. Thanks for the encouraging words : )
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    this is so true...i so want to weigh myself everyday because i want to see the results...but then today the scale said i had gained 3 pounds....not sure how that happend...I've been discourage all day...i know it's just probably water retention. So...i told myself im done with the will derail you and leave you at a once again failed state.
  • nashvilledragonfly
    nashvilledragonfly Posts: 17 Member
    The experts say to weigh yourself every morning.When you weigh yourself you are more able to keep track of what you weigh and take control sooner.If I think that I am starting to gain 1 or 2 lbs back then I adjust my eating habits or increase my workout.I let those numbers scare tightens you up,quick! LOL I also measure because I want to see the results of my efforts all the way around! I drink nothing but water and fat free milk,increased my protein,cut out bad carbs(white anything is not your friend,potatoes,rice,bread and so on.),take fish oil pills a multi vit. and I don't eat anything fried or processed sugars.I have never cared for all those foods so it is not hard for me to eat healthy but my Dr. told me to do all of this and despite a bad thyroid.....I finally started losing!!!! Good luck to you,just remember exercising and eating right are the only true way to get healthy and stay healthy.Mine is not a diet but a lifestyle change. :) Don't give up friend! This is just the start of your journey!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    For starters, don't lose your spirit. Keep doing what you are doing and keep moving!
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