Insanity? ChaLEAN? Need online buddy to start...

I was on my Week 3 of Insanity when I missed a bunch of days and realized that my eating habits weren't helping as I wasn't seeing much different on the scale.

I have pretty much all home workout programs you can think of, but would like to stick to either Insanity or Chalean for now and am looking for someone who is starting this week or next.

I'm currently at 195lbs and would like to go down to 150lbs. I do lose weight very easily, but at the same time I can also lose focus and gain all the weight back. Ideally we would support each other either on a daily basis or every other day by posting results and sharing experiences.

Let me know what are your plans and let's help each other to get healthy! :)



  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Are you on beachbody as well?
  • Are you on beachbody as well?

    Yep, but I'm not a big fan of the website as people don't seem to support each other as much as here. My username there is EllaRaven.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    I have the Insantiy tapes but have not started using them yet. I have a 1/2 marathon on 10/27 so thought I would start after that as I do not want to be too worn out for my runs.
  • I have the Insantiy tapes but have not started using them yet. I have a 1/2 marathon on 10/27 so thought I would start after that as I do not want to be too worn out for my runs.

    Hi Lisa,

    I'm looking to start soon, but regardless, let's keep in touch, motivate each other and share results!
  • Hi,

    I bought Insanity about a month ago, but have been putting off starting as I feel really out of shape at the moment and worried it is going to be too much...

    Can you offer any advise MsSparks? Do you have to have a decent level of fitness before beginning?

    I would be willing to start next Mon if you want to buddy up and motivate eachother?

  • Hi,

    I bought Insanity about a month ago, but have been putting off starting as I feel really out of shape at the moment and worried it is going to be too much...

    Can you offer any advise MsSparks? Do you have to have a decent level of fitness before beginning?

    I would be willing to start next Mon if you want to buddy up and motivate eachother?


    Hi Sara, I hear ya. I've had mine for over 6 months and finally decided to start.

    Lots of people will say that you have to have a decent level of fitness to start. I didn't but wasn't 100% sedentary either. Even though I got to week three, I have to admit it does take a lot of motivation to keep doing it because it is HARD.

    I'm no fitness expert (far from that actually), but considering the idea behind the program (HIIT), I adjusted the breaks the first 2 weeks so I could actually do all the workout taking more breaks than the video. The 3- sec breaks in between are supposed to help you get your heart rate down by a little, but they weren't working for me, so I was taking 45 sec break and whenever I got to the point where I couldn't push myself anymore, I'd pause the work out. That way even though I spend 10-15 mins more than the time displayed on the workouts, I didn't feel like I was cheating, and that's a big deal for me. If I'm gonna do it, I have to do it all the way.

    By week 3 I noticed a HUGE difference on my physical conditioning. I was able to do a LOT more with less breaks and could already see improvements on my body. I'm sure that if I had stuck to a better eating plan I would have lost a lot more weight than I did, so this time around, I want to do it right.

    Another advice, don't get discouraged because you can't keep up with Shaun. Those ppl in the video are in top shape (unlike us) and they do get tired and take extra breaks. My biggest issue was that I had a hard time keeping up with them during the warm up, so it made me think: "okay, if I can't do the warm up, let alone the actual work out". You do get better over time.

    Well, I'd be up to start on Monday! We can do the fit test on Sunday and then start with the actual work outs on Monday. :)
  • Thanks for the advice, at least I know what I'm letting myself in for ;0)

    I guess the key is to just keep going, even if I'm not at the same level as the peeps on the dvd it doesn't matter if I am making progress!

    Will do the fitness test on Sun and post my results on here, so we can compare notes!

    Oh, and just to let you know I am UK based so could be different times I am on here if you are in the US?

    Looking forward to the challenge!!!
  • I don't think the time different will be a big problem!

    Are you planning on keeping track of your calorie intake too? I'm going to try to do so, that way I can visualize what's wrong and try to fix it! The "menu" that came with Insanity is VERY good, but I just LOVE cooking and those recipes don't keep me challenged enough, plus I much rather change my eating habits for good rather than sticking to a regimen for 2 months and then going back to eating "normal".

    My goal is to stick to 1200 a day. I've done it in the past and with a little planning I shouldn't go hungry! haha

    Tomorrow I'm going for a hike to kick-start my weekend!

    Hope you're getting to enjoy yours!!!
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I'm currently finishing up week two of doing P90X and Insanity simultaneously! It's brutal!

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like :) I'm very dedicated!
  • Yes definitely going to track my calories too!

    Are you targetting 1200 including exercise or a net effect of 1200 after doing exercise?

    It sounds quite low to me with the amount of exercise that Insanity includes, but then I am no expert to be honest!

    I love my food and hate feeling hungry... ;0)
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi MsSparks
    I recently bought Chalean Extreme and next week I will be starting the Push phase after I finish the last day of Burn.
    I have gone from 312 pounds to the 180s...not really looking to lose anymore weight. I am just trying to focus on maintaining, having a healthy lifestyle-lots of veggies, fruits & proteins, and staying active. Add me if you want to!
  • I'm currently finishing up week two of doing P90X and Insanity simultaneously! It's brutal!

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like :) I'm very dedicated!

    Whoa fallonrhea, that's crazy but you seem to be doing an awesome job! I also have P90X, but before I get into the weight training, I want to shed a few (more like a lot haha) pounds. Is this your first time doing these programs?
  • 1200 calories including exercising. I've done it in the past and didn't really go hungry. Like I said, it takes some planning, but it is doable! :) Everyone has different calorie needs and that seems to work for me. Insanity is really crazy, but I don't feel like it is enough exercise for me (maybe because I have a lot of times in my hands!). The videos are 30-40 mins long and while I understand the pace is fast and you get ridiculously sweaty, I'm old school and am aiming to working out 1h to 1h30m a day, so my plan is to either walk/bike after the videos or maybe do Chalean, but I think that would be too much to start off.

    I'm excited about starting the program again and having online buddies, so hopefully that will help me stick to it! :)
  • Hi MsSparks
    I recently bought Chalean Extreme and next week I will be starting the Push phase after I finish the last day of Burn.
    I have gone from 312 pounds to the 180s...not really looking to lose anymore weight. I am just trying to focus on maintaining, having a healthy lifestyle-lots of veggies, fruits & proteins, and staying active. Add me if you want to!

    That is AWESOME that you've lost that much. Inspirational actually. Did Chalean help you with it or did you just start it? One thing I like about Chalean is that while it is very challenging, you don't get out of breath and you can "feel" the results either later in the day or the next day, when your muscles are twitching and hurting. I just love that feeling! haha

    Keep up the good job. Would love to hear how you progress through the program and if it was effective!!!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Ok, so I just completed my first fit test... To say it was hard is a massive understatement!

    I actually felt a bit sick afterwards, but had 2 coffees beforehand so think I may do it on an empty stomach next time...

    Here are ny results, absolutely shocking on the push up jacks as I couldnt do this!

    Switch Kicks - 105
    Power Jacks - 40
    Power Knees - 56
    Power Jumps - 31
    Globe Jumps - 8
    Suicide Jumps - 11
    Push Up Jacks - 8 (!)
    Low Plank Oblique - 35

    How did you guys do?
  • I plan on doing this thing with you guys! Today will also be my fit test.. I have some errands to run first so it'll be sometime later this afternoon.

    I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to post my results tho. I haven't quite decided yet. But I'll be sure to check in daily. Good luck everyone!
  • Sorry I didn't post my results yesterday! Had too much going on, but did do the fit test.

    Squashyshape, looks like you already have an awesome level of fitness. My results suck compared to But it's okay, I'll get there! :)

    I figured I'd post my results from Week 1 from 4 weeks ago, when I started the first time and from yesterday. Maybe that will serve as motivation to some people as I improved greatly in just 2 weeks! :)

    Week 1 (Last month) Week 1 (Oct 14)

    Switch Kicks - 19 Switch Kicks - 30
    Power Jacks - 24 Power Jacks - 31
    Power Knees - 47 Power Knees - 73
    Power Jumps - 11 Power Jumps - 20
    Globe Jumps - 4 (I just hate this one! lol) Globe Jumps - 5 (lol great improvement, eh?)
    Suicide Jumps - 3 (I have no core strength whatsoever) Suicide Jumps - 8
    Push Up Jacks - 9 Push Up Jacks - 15
    Low Plank Oblique - 11 Low Plank Oblique - 20

    These numbers lead me to think that my fitness has improved a whole lot and could improve even more if I do dedicate myself this time around!

    The sad part is that because of the "break" I took last week, I "gained" 5lbs. :/ I wasn't really watching what I was eating, so that should serve me as a, those darn Mexican cokes. I love them.

    Anyway, I'm getting work out of the way now in the morning and am planning to do the Plyo workout this afternoon. Hopefully the break didn't take a big toll on my fitness...we'll see!
  • Ah, darn it. The message board won't take html coding. :/ I'm too lazy to try and fix the table to look cosmetically good. Hope you guys can understand. lol

    TawnieRose, welcome on board. The more, the merrier! :) Don't forget to post your fit test results and don't be ashamed, just look at mine. lol
  • It wasn't so much an "ashamed" feeling.. just that posting the first ones sets me up to REALLY be accountable to you guys and myself to get this done.. you know what I mean??

    But that's why I joined this thread! I NEED this accountability! So here's my fit test results.. also I didn't do it yesterday... so today was day 1. :) Looking forward to these next 9 weeks! I'll be checking in DAILY too! :)

    Switch kicks - 86
    Power jacks - 47
    Power knees - 66 (in future I'm going to pause the DVD and do the left side too.. seems odd to only do one side!)
    Power jumps - 30 (these were HARD! had to really push at the end to squeeze out the last 5 to make 30!)
    Globe jumps - 8
    Suicide jumps - 12
    Pushup jacks - 13 (these KILLED me.. Def hope to see improvement here!)
    Low planks 41
  • Great job all round guys!

    Thanks for your support and we can defnitely all do this, as we are now all accountable by sharing in here.

    Looking forward to staring the first proper exercise dvd, just hope the aching all over my body improves a bit?!