Abysmal School Lunches

Ok, so the food at my school is abysmal. You can guarantee that if it isn't a brand you recognise it'll be awful. It's also incredibly over-priced. If I want to eat at school it has to be biscuits from the vending machine, which obviously isn't helping my stomach stay flat. At the moment, I bring in Ryvitas Breakfast Biscuits, I eat a pack (of four) every day and I have a small yoghurt/cereal bar for breakfast before leaving the house. I'm worried I might be consuming too much fibre...
I can't bring pack lunches, it's a long story and quite personal. I can take small things, like the Breakfast Biscuits, but fruit, sandwiches and other lunch-box items are out of the question.
I have tried just sitting out the school day without eating, like everyone else does, but my appetite's larger than most people my age and I can't concentrate in class if I starve.

- Does anyone have any tips on what I can do in these circumstances?
- Is there a problem with my current eating habits? (cereal bar + breakfast biscuits)
- Is there a reason only I feel particularly hungry during the day? (my stomach rumbles and everything, very embarrassing)
- Also, how much water should I be getting through during school hours? (about 6-7 hours)


  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    Most schools serve glorified sawdust.

    You have to eat during the day, your brain needs energy. Personally, I wouldn't be able to focus if I were hungry.

    Can you bring nuts or seeds? What about a protein shake, maybe keeping the powder separate from the water and mix it when you're ready. Oatmeal in a thermos?
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Instead of the carb (and most likely sugar heavy) breakfast, which will just cause you to be hungry in a few hours, try a protein and (healthy) fat heavy breakfast, like eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, etc. Can you try bringing something really small like a cheese stick or a baggie of nuts? Do they have any veggies for your school lunch? To stay full during the day, up the protein and fat and lower your carbs, I think you'll find a huge difference.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    You are 19, so I'm guessing high school senior or more likely college freshman?

    If it is high school, yeah, I feel your pain. The lunches at our school are so unbalanced it ought to be illegal! Who in their right mind would consider french fries, spaghetti and corn a balnced meal?

    I am the teacher and I find it difficult to find a time when I can sit and eat a meal, but, like you, my tummy will rumble and I can barely concentrate. Is it possible to pack a little bag or bowl of trail mix that can be discreetly munched on throughout the day? I have started actually tucking a small ziplock bag with a handful of the stuff in my pocket at work and toss in a bite whenever I can seize the opportunity. Then I can swig a little water during class change.

    Hope it helps a little! Hang in there!
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 643 Member
    It's not an item I would usually recommend due to high sugar content but around here you can buy bottled smoothies or drinking yoghurts in the grocery store, usually around 1 pint (500 ml) in size. I find them very filling. I would be alright having one for lunch if I could have something solid eg. oatmeal bar for a morning and afternoon snack. Would you be open to bringing something of that nature?

    I think some people just have more rumbly stomachs than others :).
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    my teens need snacks during their school hours. I bought little baggies of beef jerky to keep in their lockers.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    my teens need snacks during their school hours. I bought little baggies of beef jerky to keep in their lockers.

    And that is precisely why I look the otherr way when my high school students "sneak" a few bites in my class. I know they aree doing it because I can hear the wrappers and see the jaw action, but as long as I do not see the food, I have plausible deniability LOL
  • Thanks for the help everyone!
    I like the idea of nuts and smoothies, because I actually like the taste of those too. Definitely an improvement on the school vending machine at any rate!