Tips on maintaining?

This weekend was just bad in terms of eating, went to the sushi buffet last night, didn't over do it but I shared ice cream and cake with my sister, today i told myself I'd have a low carb day but gave in and had some fruit salad and chocolate cake.. ugh, hopefully this doesnt affect me too much. I've been maintaining my weight for about 3 weeks now and I seem to only have gained a pound even after stopping my exercise and having multiple cheat meals a week... I've been told to stop exercising and to eat more because I have an anorexic mentality. I just don't wanna gain any weight back :(


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Eat, workout, rinse and repeat.
    Eat TDEE or around there every day.
    Workout 2-3x a week and only for about an hour.

    Thats how you maintain.
  • mmmicheller
    my doctor said I should really stop working out though, I havent had a proper workout in like a month. :(
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    my doctor said I should really stop working out though, I havent had a proper workout in like a month. :(

    Okay then never mind.
    Keep in mind that in order to maintain what you have youll need ot use it.
    So at least 2 sessions a week to maintain lean mass.
    If you dont then youll lose it.
    you may not get fat but....*shrugs*

    If it was me id lift weights 3x a week for 30mins to an hour and eat TDEE daily.
    Put those nutrients to work.