New and here to stay.

Hi guys,

I weighed myself today for the first time in a few years and felt like crying when I got off the scales. I weigh almost 200 lbs and have slowly let the weight creep up since I was diagnosed with depression two years ago. I would love to get back to my older, more healthy 140lb weight.

I've struggled with my weight my whole life and have always been ridiculed for being fat. I've done some stupid things in the past to lose weight like purging or eating a very low calorie diet. I used to use this website to count my calories and make sure they would not be over 500 a day. I snapped out of that phase after a few months with no results when I looked through the food diary and realised how silly I was being.

I'm scared I'm not going to be able to lose any weight since my body is pretty much used to being overweight and I have heard stories of how impossible it is, but I've seen a lot of people who have lost so much weight on here and I thought I'd come back for the right reasons and focus on becoming healthy, not skinny.

I hope I'll make some friends along the way for some encouragement and to feel less alone in this journey so any messages are more than welcome. :)


  • lilteddy78
    lilteddy78 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    You will do awesome. You will lose weight as long as you eat healthy and stay within the calories that you need to keep your body in weight loss mode versus starvation mode.

    When I started my journey in January I went to my psych and he weighed me. I was 247lbs. It wasn't the highest I have ever been but very close. I have been diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder. At that point I was so fed up with everything in my life. I was losing my house, I couldn't play with my kids, I felt like my husband didn't care about me anymore. I was a mess! By May I had lost 17lbs. I was starting to feel a little better about everything. Then I found my fitness pal. I started using it on May 5th.....that was the day that turned my life around. Since May 5th I've lost almost 52lbs. I log everything I eat no matter how small it a piece of candy. At first to exercise I started walking more. As the weight came off I decided I would start running (that is a whole different funny story). I ended up hurting my hip and I wasn't able to exercise for a few weeks. Then I decided I would try using the Insanity workout program. It's been kicking my butt!

    I am now at 178lbs and have a lot of energy. I usually eat around 1200-1600 calories a day. It all depends on what I feel like eating that day. I haven't stopped eating fast food. I just make better choices. I don't want to be skinny either. I like you just want to be healthy. My goal is to be around 145lbs.....once I hit there then I'll see how I feel. I have another 38lbs to go it's going to take a lot of will power to get there but I know I will.

    I hope this helps you feel more encouraged. Your body will respond and you will lose weight. It's not going to happen over night as it didn't take you overnight to gain the weight. :)
  • artd9312
    artd9312 Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been on MFP 16 months, under a different account I deleted, and I have lost 45 pounds. I love it!!! Best wishes!~
  • kellyirisheyes
    kellyirisheyes Posts: 137 Member
    welcome to mfp :) feel free to add me, I'm always down to support someone who needs it!
  • FitnessPal4L1f3
    FitnessPal4L1f3 Posts: 77 Member
    Please add me! I make posts like these on a regular basis - all though I should be posting more.

    Good morning friends. I just wanted to share with you all some words of encouragement. We've decided to take this journey of self improvement - but this journey we are not alone. On this journey we will hit bumps and bruises, pause and even question why we do this. Take faith and keep pushing forward and know in your heart we can and will change. We as FRIENDS will help you - I as a friend will help you - we all can share in the victory, because none of us will know defeat for together we are triumphant.
  • welcome amd i believe you will succeed here. please feel free to ad me as we can encourage each other. i just started usig mfp and im slowly getting into a routine. good luck you can do it!!:flowerforyou: