best abs workout

smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
All of me is shrinking except my post baby belly. I had apretty big baby for my size 3 yrs ago and never did anything about all that stretched out skin and muscle. Now that I'm losing weight I want to see that belly go down too. Anyone ever experience this and find an ab workout that worked well? I know I have to be patient for results, but I feel like inches lost in my belly is disproportionate to inches lost everywhere else. Help please


  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i've researched and found that a variety of moves that target different muscles are best for tightening your core. this is because there are a lot of different muscles in your mid-section that all need to be worked. the main sections are divided into obliques, upper abs, lower abs, and back. doing moves that target ALL of these areas will allow for a stronger core.

    my belly is also my problem area, however i have a pretty muscular core. I find that the foods i eat and cardio show more results than the strength exercises do. everyone's different i guess
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    no one knows of anything???
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I know that the core is many muscle groups etc... I took Human Anatomy. I just wondered if anyone had had good results with a particular workout or a video etc..
  • P90X has a really great abs workout. I'm not sure if you can order just the abs DVD or not.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I think I would have bought the whole package (very convincing infomercial) but it's very expensive. Good to know it works though!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,241 Member
    I find that an exercise ball (the large kind) is great to target all the abdominal muscles and the back and is inexpensive.

    Exercise 1: You can do crunches by laying on it ( facing the ceiling) and walking your feet out so it is supporting your upper back and shoulders. Start with center crunches then slightly twist (leading with the shoulders, never the elbows) to tone the obliques. The closer you place your feet to center the more challenging. The stronger your abs and back get, the less you walk your feet out to keep it challenging.

    Exercise 2: You can lie down on the floor and place the ball between your ankles and lift the ball so your knees are at a 90 degree angle (lower legs parallel to the floor) and do reverse crunches and full crunches, you can also add small twisting. This really targets the lower abs as well as tones the inner thighs.

    Exercise 3: You can lay your stomach on the ball (as in a crawl position with the ball underneath you) and walk out with your hands until the ball is between your knees and ankles ( you are looking at the the floor) then pull your knees into your chest as the ball rolls towards your hands and roll back out again. These are very difficult, but they target all the core muscles because you are balancing while engaging. The stronger you get the further you want to walk out ( so you are balacing on the ball with the tops of your feet.

    Hope these are helpful. The exercise ball you can pick up anywhere (Walmart, Target) and most come with an exercise instruction. Also I bet YouTube has instruction if you need a visual. I've had two kids and my abs are flat and toned (as long as I keep my body fat down, I can see them) just wish there was an exercise to get rid of stretch marks!
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