Is this a disorder?

So...I was doing good during the week with my food intake (well better then what I was doing). But I've noticed that I eat (when I'm home) to eat, I don't eat when I'm hungry I eat to eat. I eat when there's nothing else to do.

Is this a type of binge disorder?

I don't keep busy a lot (I'm working on it) so I sit at home on my days off.

I know go to the gym go to the gym, I'm working back up to that but right now it's getting myself in a stable situation.

Does or has anyone had this problem and what do you do to defer from stuffing your face full to the point of pain?


  • VFBloch0725
    I do not believe it is a "disorder" per se but a matter of perception and reprogramming your thoughts and behaviors. Currently, I am not working and going to school; I spend a lot of time home and eat just to eat. First, I need to recognize when I do this and ask myself, "am I hungry wanting to eat"? Depending on my answer, I try to determine what my need is and why I want to eat. This may sound like a lot of work, but by recognizing "why" you want to eat begins the changing process. If the desire to eat becomes overwhelming, I try to do other things or snack on something that is low in calories. Like today, I snacked on cucumbers and later on mini carrots. The more you reprogram to healthier habits, your body will adjust to the change. My biggest weakness is consistency. Feel free to ad me as a friend and we can support each other.

    Hang in there! :bigsmile:
  • stephanie1133
    Boredom eating isn't binge eating. They are 2 different things. Boredom eating is kind of mindless and happens because, well, because you're bored. Binge eating is specifically eating quite a lot of food (the amount itself varies from person to person) in an uncontrollable manner.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    From your diary, looks like you ate most of your food out this weekend? Or did you have a lot of takeout?

    You need to concentrate on having healthy stuff around the house, then even if you overeat, it won't be by much because it won't be from the Cheesecake Factory.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I agree - I don't think it's a disorder, but more like you've developed some bad habits and it will take a while to break those habits. I used to do the same thing and asked the same question. I would think that eating because you're bored is fairly common.

    What helped me is to only have healthier snacks around (I live alone so it's easy for me). Being dedicated to food journaling also helped. I know there were a lot of times I got something out to eat, and decided I didn't want to write it in my journal so I put it back and looked for something healthier and more lo-cal.

    Those bad habits are so hard to break. I've found that what works better for me is to REPLACE a bad habit with a good one, rather than just trying to stop the bad habit. (Like eating an apple rather than a bowl full of potato chips)