Hit My 40s and My Body Betrayed Me!! Anyone Else??!

I am a 42 year old female and need to lose about 70 pounds total. Seems like I hit 40 and things started to sag and drag that never had before! I have always been "chubby", it seems, but I have recently gotten downright "fat." My doctor suggested this website when I went for my physical on Friday; she said it is very useful and full of support. I have only logged 2 days under the program, so would love to start chatting with anyone in a similar situation. Let's chat and be fitness buddies!! Our success rate will prolly be ALOT better!


  • fattypattybinger
    Your body will get there. I am 52 and started to lose weight and I lost alot in the boobs, today I was walking around braless and the girls were perky. Still needs some work but it still felt good.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I am a 42 year old female and need to lose about 70 pounds total. Seems like I hit 40 and things started to sag and drag that never had before! I have always been "chubby", it seems, but I have recently gotten downright "fat." My doctor suggested this website when I went for my physical on Friday; she said it is very useful and full of support. I have only logged 2 days under the program, so would love to start chatting with anyone in a similar situation. Let's chat and be fitness buddies!! Our success rate will prolly be ALOT better!

    My body betrayed me in my 20's.
  • Sabine321
    Sabine321 Posts: 55 Member
    I am 40 and lost the weight last year. Now I am trying to stay at it, and yes, my body got it's own mind. Plus my doc said my hormones have been out of whack for years isn't helping...lol. But I have my mind set on it and I am gonna keep the weight off. You will do it. Tell your body who is in charge!!
  • VFBloch0725
    I am a 42 year old female and need to lose about 70 pounds total. Seems like I hit 40 and things started to sag and drag that never had before! I have always been "chubby", it seems, but I have recently gotten downright "fat." My doctor suggested this website when I went for my physical on Friday; she said it is very useful and full of support. I have only logged 2 days under the program, so would love to start chatting with anyone in a similar situation. Let's chat and be fitness buddies!! Our success rate will prolly be ALOT better!

    I feel ya! :flowerforyou: I am a 49 yr old female, through menapause, and want to see my jaw line again. I carry most of my weight in my face and mid region and do not want to be the next jello-gelatin poster child! LOL. Being in your 40's is a milestone of change and joining this site is a great place to start. I didn't feel betrayed until I organized my photo's and found my high school graduation picture! UGH!:grumble:
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    yes i can relate...add me if you would like :)
  • shea_joseph
    I will be 43 in November and I am miserable. It seems like every time I turn around my body is hurting or I am aching. The weight gain started when I quit smoking in May of '10. I honestly thought that I would be okay if I gained a little weight because I had quit smoking but I am lying thru my teeth. I don't like the way I look, I don't like the way I feel and quite frankly I am tired of trying to convince myself to thinking that it is better to be overweight than to be a smoker. Neither of them is okay.

    I am ready and I have to hold myself accountable for me. I just need to remind myself that it won't be overnight. Here's to a new me! Cheers!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I'd like to think my body betrayed me, but I quit exercising not long after 40, and that certainly helped things along. Hit my highest weight unpregnant at 45. Now I'm 47 and right about where I want to be, but I'm sticking around here to make sure that I stay around this weight this time.
  • myrz3
    myrz3 Posts: 3
    WOW ...don;t see many men around here..prolly cause we are too stuborn to admit our problems. i'm 43 and and am at least 70 lbs. over weight (according to the bmi calculator) and have been using this site for 2 days. I found this on a app for my android phone. make me a friend and we can compare our diets and progress. It was my doctor who suggested i try some kind of diet to help with mutliple depression, anxiety and fibermyalgia, Also, like most over weight americans i have diagnosed with sleep appnia!.... best of luck

    p.s. if you make your profile public it allows others on this webpage to see your progress. i have made mine public because we are all in this boat together.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i will be 43 soon....but honestly feel great and have been told, look great, 'for my age'. i've have four children and still fit into my size 2/26 jeans (albeit tight at times), but still can wear em!
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Yep, I felt the same way (coming up on 41 in just a couple of months). I'm one of those "often in decent shape" people, who sometimes wanders off into the "crap, my pants don't fit anymore" world. Honestly, I started to think maybe there was something to the middle-aged spread thing. But, when it really, REALLY came down to it and I really, REALLY paid attention to my intake and exercise, it was really, REALLY more like....I just eat too much and drink too much and don't exercise enough! Yes, I actually can lose weight and get to looking good if I just try, even at 40. No magic or anything...the right combo of eating and exercise and you can be happy even at 40+. :)
  • valmadd
    valmadd Posts: 11
    I'll be 45 in November. It just ain't the same game. After 40 it has become so much more difficult!! I need to lose 60, but I'm starting with 30, we'll see how I do.
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    I am turning 45 this Saturday and I am turning it AROUND~ one way or another! it can happen for you TOO :)
  • VerucaSult
    VerucaSult Posts: 35 Member
    I turned 40 this year... I will not go quietly!!!! Maybe all this kicking and screaming will burn this extra 90 lbs I'm dragging (mostly sagging) around! Good luck, add me if you'd like!!!
  • beths53
    beths53 Posts: 10
    I can relate - my body betrayed me as well. A colleague of my regular doctor recommended this site to me as well - It was really great to see her a month or so later and tell her how well things were going.
  • sugarfreetab
    Hello to the fourties and on. The same thing happened to me. I had a hysterectomy and it was on. Im fourty three and I used to weigh 290lbs but I couldnt take it anymore and went on a journey but Im stuck at 252 right now trying to break the plateu but just know Im right here with you.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    40 here! Feel free to add me! I log EVERYTHING all day long and work out pretty regularly. Sometimes my food diary is brutally honest but what ever I am doing is working for me! :)))

    Edited because I cannot spell... I need to hit the sheets!
  • fatt_boyy_slimm
    Well, I'll be 41 on Wednesday. I can't put the blame on my body because it was I who failed my body, not the other way around. To tell the truth, nearly every overweight person FAILED their body. Granted, you do run into those with medical conditions which really do contribute to weight gain, but on the whole, the only weight problem the we fat and formerly fat folks have is that we simply cannot "WAIT" to eat. I've managed to drop from 358 lbs to a low of 193 lbs and am currently just trying to tread water and stay between 200 and 215 lbs. For the last 3 months or so, this has been terribly difficult as it seems that I'm losing control -willpower- over my appetite. I've never believed in dieting b/c diets say "eat this, not that". Me, I eat whatever the hell I want to....I just try not to eat so much of it. In support of my body, it has served me well: I can now run (jog) 6 miles in 55 minutes and I can do 96 pushups in 5 minutes (4-count pushups w/1 minute rest periods after every 20 reps of the 4-counts). At 41, I gotta say that my body has been damned good to me b/c I made it to 38 y/o weighing 358 lbs with no HBP, no diabetes and no knee problems. Hell, let me give my body a HAND!! :heart: :wink: