Getting back on track

This past year has all been downhill. I used to be pretty active, but I stopped last fall. I used to eat healthy, but I stopped that this spring. I'm just so far away from what I used to be like, and it's so hard to find the motivation to even try to get back there. I've gained almost 30 pounds this year from my new, destructive habits (not exercising/eating crap), and I'm so not happy.

Can anyone else help me get back on track even though I'm so far away from it? Thank you so much everyone :smile:


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You have to find your own motivation, but there is plenty of support around here. Just make sure you don't do something drastic. You have a very realistic weight loss goal--give yourself time to get there, and add exercise as well as eating better so that you have an easier time.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    For each it seems to be different but I will say that being aware so early in the battle gives you the opportunity to take control before this become a life time problem. Good luck
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    Just like any other "addiction" knowing you have a problem is the fist step. That can be very difficult to look yourself in the mirror and say "what I'm doing is destructive and it needs to stop". Another huge step is looking for support, you've done that too. So pat yourself on the back for that! Now where do we go from here? We're at point A and it sounds like you know how to get to point B but you need some help getting started. There are many things that help motivate me so here are some:

    Keep a journal filled with your goals and what motivates you. For example you could put old photos of yourself if that's your goal. You could cut out outfits from magazines of clothes you aspire to fit into, upcoming vacations planned, etc. gives you something to motivate and takes up time you may spend eating.

    My screensaver on my computer, iPhone, etc always has an inspirational message that fits my current goal. It's stopped me several times from eating crap I've been tempted to.

    Do you have a workout buddy? Someone else who would want to/needs to lose weight with you to help motivate and hold you accountable?

    I hope any of those help and I'm hoping others post more suggestions too. You've got this!!!