Any non-drinkers between 25 and 35 there?



  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    I drink once in a blue moon.
    I'm a single mom w/o a babysitter or steady income. Bam. 'Nough said. lol.
  • marisablakley
    marisablakley Posts: 45 Member
    Me!!! I've never been drunk ever. Ill be 33 next month. Alcohol hasn't touched my lips for 10+ years.
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    Haven't had a drink in over two years and and didn't drink much before that and I am 30. Just don't see what the point is. It's expensive and it makes people do stupid things. My husband is the same way.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Me! I pretty much just don't drink, maybe once in a blue moon will have A beer or A shot, but that's it. And I'm a Bartender lol. I quit because my partying days are behind me and left my body trashed. I now have bad kidneys and even had dialysis. I now take medicine for the rest of my life for my kidneys and also blood pressure, have to watch my sodium, have to monitor my blood pressure. It's not fun and if I knew what I know now I would have slowed down a long time ago. I'm 27 btw.
  • Proyecto_AN
    25. I started drinking at 14 years old; at 18 i was drowning myself in alcohol every weekend. Lost it all, returned with my parents. Now i've been sober for more than 3 years. I quit smoking at the same time and i don't do any kind of drugs. Was really hard, losing all my "friends" but i have a better life now.
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm 28 and I don't drink. I got drunk once at 18, just to do it. Not my thing. Met my husband at 20, also a non-drinker. We would rather spend our money on other things that we enjoy(such as food!! lol) and our children. :smile:
  • rmcannell
    rmcannell Posts: 23 Member
    I am 26 and I don't drink. My brothers and parents all drink a little bit here and there, but I've never enjoyed it. I suppose for me, it started out as money I didn't have to spend, as well as empty calories. It was something of a control thing as well, i didn't like what it did to me. Now I have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, so I spend my days and life trying to make myself feel just a little bit better than I did yesterday. Now especially I can't picture drinking because I would hate to feel worse after all the work I do to feel better!

    I tried to pretend I liked alcohol for a few years when I thought mistakenly that it was necessary to fit in. After I while I figured if folks didn't love me for me, whatever my choices, it wasn't worth my time. I shouldn't have to justify my choice to NOT drink any more than they should have to justify their choice TO drink.

    My boyfriend like beer with his dinner, and wine for celebrations, but it's never been an issue that I don't.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    I appreciate everyones responses...I guess I should of thrown in there I do love drinking and I miss it daily. Its been very hard for me to give it up but I know I have to. Being around my bf and anyone for that matter that drinks makes it even harder. I like the way it tastes and I am not religious. I just need to quit because of the severity of the wreck and the fact the it was a problem for me. Please keep responding!!
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    Im 31 and I have been sober for over seven years. My dad was in a bad accident and almost killed himself and my sister and brother. Instead of letting that situation serve as an example, I spiraled out of control until one unfortunate night in Mexico and I slowly but surely straightened up. Being around alcohol doesn't even bother me because it just bring back those memories of the ex-me. I saw my true colors and I didn't like them.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I've had a 12 pack in the last four years, spread out over time. Last time I drank was about eight month's ago. I had one beer and I was really buzzed hard. I use to drink, nearly got a DUI one night (was arrested; went to jail for 5 minutes and released because I blew under at the station (long story). 2 of my best friends have 3 DUI's each, mandatory 60 day jail time in California, mandatory 30 day vehicle impound($$$) A fourth DUI will send you to prison (don't drop the soap alcoholic's) I've had numerous friends die in drinking/drug related vehicle crashes(don't believe in accidents) I've gone to jail because of things i've done while drinking(and while not drinking) which takes your freedom, your money and time spent of fighting cases. The funerals are the worse really. It's a reminder how quickly life can be taken. To see the anguish of family and friends, and the anguish you feel as well, for someone you cared about, spent time with, it's sad. I'm not against people who drink, but drinking and driving is stupid, and yes, I use to do it myself.

    A taxi is so much cheaper than a DUI

    Calling a friend to pick you up is better than getting your a**hole ripped apart in prison(it happens) for killing someone you didn't know in another vehicle, or your friend that was sitting next to you in your own vehicle(it happens)

    Just remembered, one of my best friends mom's, sweeties little lady on earth, had some wine after work, driving home, a kid did a "pony hop" off the curb and went into the street and she hit him. If she hadn't been drinking, she wouldn't have been arrested. The kid died, and a lady in her mid 50's who had never been in trouble in her life was now on her way to prison for four years on a manslaughter charge. **** happens, it really does.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    It should be said that it IS possible to drink responsibly and for it NOT to ruin your life. Some people would have you believe that drinking is almost always a DISASTER and maybe for them it is... who knows??

    To me it's all about discipline and moderation. If you don't have discipline and cannot moderate... yeah... best not drink. If you do and can.... enjoy :drinker:
  • 05saleengirl
    I'm not really a drinker, never been drunk and I'm 31. Why, well my dad was a firefighter for 30 years, saw a lot of bad crap. He was chief of a large volunteer company. There were times when I would be out with him, and he would get called out on a call. One time in particular he responsed to an accident where a drunk driver hit two women head on. One badly injured, tje other, 6 months pregnant he killed. Both 20s or so. I was on this call with him, sitting in his truck. When they went to extracate the deceased woman,; the guys were pulling her body out, and her right arm literally fell off I'm one of the guys hands. Never something I will forget. Also, I had a cousin killed by a drunk driver, she hit him on his way to purpose to his g/f and lastly my grandparents were hit but luckily not killed by a drunk driver when out on their motorcycle.

    Am I against drinking, Nah. Just never got into it. That being said, I turned 31 in Wednesday. Saturday I went out with friends to celebrate (or loath getting older lol) and did have a few, and got a buzz from it. Totally felt like **** the next day too. But it was a fun night.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    These horror stories of people dying in road accidents, arms falling off etc. are awful and tragic... but also a tad silly when it comes to reasons NOT to drink.

    Hell.... people cause car accidents texting on their mobile phone while driving.... are you going to stop using mobile phones as well because some idiot mis-uses them in a car??? People shooting people isn't stopping half of all Americans owning guns!!

    The problem isn't drinking.... the problem is drinking and DRIVING.

    Anyway... I'm starting to sound like an advocate for the alcohol industry so I'll shut up now.
  • lostinthe619
    27, don't drink, or smoke... Or as all my friends call me, boring!
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    27, don't drink, or smoke... Or as all my friends call me, boring!

    Speaking of guns.... is that a gun in your hand.... above your right shoulder??
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    23 dont drink @ all.. seen it hurt to many ppl. dont want to deal with it or the drama. Was driving home from the gym in Co springs the other day.. a drunk drivers care rolled over right in front of us .. The guy was thrown from the caught on fire .. He was fine .. but it could have went the other way and him dead.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    27, don't drink, or smoke... Or as all my friends call me, boring!

    Is that pic from the Del Mar Plaza................was just there a few hours ago
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    27, don't drink, or smoke... Or as all my friends call me, boring!

    Speaking of guns.... is that a gun in your hand.... above your right shoulder??

    He doesn't smoke or drink but yet he KILLS. lol

    This thread is about drinking.

    You guys wanna go on abouts gun, then this topic could go all over the place. Lots of things kill lots of ppl, this is about drinking and driving..................leave the guns alone..................
  • lostinthe619
    Speaking of guns.... is that a gun in your hand.... above your right shoulder??

    Yes, fully unloaded Desert Eagle. Proper permits had and insured for a photo shoot as well as cleared by the Sheriff's Department before anyone asks.
    Is that pic from the Del Mar Plaza................was just there a few hours ago

    On the roof of the Salton Sea Yacht Club looking west... Well, of course before it was renovated and became the history museum.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Speaking of guns.... is that a gun in your hand.... above your right shoulder??

    Yes, fully unloaded Desert Eagle. Proper permits had and insured for a photo shoot as well as cleared by the Sheriff's Department before anyone asks.
    Is that pic from the Del Mar Plaza................was just there a few hours ago

    On the roof of the Salton Sea Yacht Club looking west... Well, of course before it was renovated and became the history museum.

    Right went above and beyond....................we have open carry in cali, unless it wasn't recent.....not sure when the renovated