Looking for friends to help - struggling a bit.

Hello all,

Just thought I'd say hello. I've been on here for a while but seriously trying since 1st September. Apart from a couple of dinners on holiday last week I've been pretty much on track. Sticking to my 1200 calories and fairly low carb (have PCOS so Dr suggested low carb) Seems to suit me and am 15lbs down since 1st Sept but things have stalled over the last couple of weeks and am feeling a little low.

Have upped my exercise (very brisk dog walks on beaches, up hills etc) and just started 30 Day Shred (day two done) Determined to succeed but today's the first real low point.

MFP, the forums and all your successes have helped, so thank you.


  • We all have those low points, so you are not alone!! Sounds like you are on the right path :)
  • sounds like a plateau maybe? either way, if you mix it up a bit, things should get back to order. For example, when I hit a plateau, I have a free-day. I eat mcdonalds, butterfingers, coke (i don't go TOO crazy, though) and usually that jolts my metabolism enough that i start loosing weight again within the week. it's all about finding those little tricks that work with your unique form.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    if you Started on September 1st and have lost 15 lbs I would say you are doing great thats only about 6 weeks ago its better to loose the way you are doing it because too much weight loss too fast can make you sick dont be hard on yourself that really is very good!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Well done - my daughter (age 32) has polycystic ovary syndrome - compounded with my genes - which makes it HARD.
    She's getting there (she didn't get on with MFP - I think people kept telling her that PCOS doesn't cause weight gain, just makes weight loss difficult - (like there's a difference). If anyone tells you this just IGNORE THEM!

    Message me if you feel the need. I won't send a friend request because it might look a bit weird given our age difference.
  • dpalmier
    dpalmier Posts: 6 Member
    I think you are doing pretty good also losing 15lbs since Sept 1st. I lost 11 lbs since May but the hardest part is making sure I keep it off. I am stuck at a plateau and would like to find new friends for motivation and support. I completed 30DS and Ripped in 30 and now alternate the two. My biggest problem is that I love food so controlling and not going back to old habits is really important to me.
  • jenii123
    jenii123 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone. Your messages and friend requests have cheered me up no end! Feeling much more positive now, thank you.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    You are doing GREAT!
    It is ok to get a bit discouraged as long as it leads to motivation!
    Don't ever give up!

    I am also joined and didn't do much in the beginning. I think I logged for two days and then let it sit for three months. I have been faithful since August. The important thing is that you took the next step. I will have to agree with everyone here. From what I have read from others, if you stop losing you need to change things up a bit. Just hang in there and keep playing around with your routines (exercise and food), You will find what is going to work for you!

    Much luck and positive attitude!
  • jenii123
    jenii123 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you! I think you're right. Have upped my exercise in the hope that it helps. Even just the feeling of doing *something* about it is helping me be more positive, thanks!
    You are doing GREAT!
    It is ok to get a bit discouraged as long as it leads to motivation!
    Don't ever give up!

    I am also joined and didn't do much in the beginning. I think I logged for two days and then let it sit for three months. I have been faithful since August. The important thing is that you took the next step. I will have to agree with everyone here. From what I have read from others, if you stop losing you need to change things up a bit. Just hang in there and keep playing around with your routines (exercise and food), You will find what is going to work for you!

    Much luck and positive attitude!
  • loliblullama
    loliblullama Posts: 140 Member
    You can add me if you like, I have PCOS too so understand how crappy it can be. You're still here and that's a brilliant thing!! I love the quote "it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop" and I tend to use that when I'm struggling with exercise or eating properly.

    You can do it!! Just don't stop :flowerforyou: