Rough Couple Days, though planned

Friday and Saturday I knew calorie wise were going to be high.

Friday after a normal day at work the family and I went to Buffalo WIld Wings were I consumed about 2000 calories, giving me about 2500 for the day total. My allotment is 1390 before cardio which gave me an addition 680 for the day. I was about 250 over, so not too bad.

Saturday I knew I wouldn't have time to do my cardio, but I still wanted to learn that I could have a high calorie day and it not be the end of everything. So I had a quick healthy lunch (360 cal) and headed out for the day. That would consist of seeing a movie with the snacks I wanted as well as dinner at Friendly's afterwords. Movie and the dinner were 2630 calories, well over my goal and no cardio.

Do I look at Friday and Saturday as a reward for my hard work? No. I look at it as life, sometime I will want to engage is days like that, but it won't set me back and won't have a lasting effect. I wake up the following morning and do my cardio and have a well balanced day.

One thing MFP has taught me is that I am not on a diet, I am living my life conscious of the choices I make!

Good luck all!


  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Agreed! Plus one here- I'd give you reputation if I could!

    I went out yesterday to go visit a group of friend's that I haven't seen in months. We winded up having a big chinese buffet for lunch, snacked on rubbish all night (although we did finish a whole packet of grapes between us) and then ended up getting a 2am pizza. The pizza was a bit of an overkill on retrospective, and I was over yesterday by a good 1700 calories even after an hour of kayaking with them down the river.

    But, upon saying that, this is life. Yesterday was a one big off, so today I've dusted myself off, got back on the band wagon and I'm going to head out for a run in a moment. :)
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I think as long as I keep things in perspective I will succeed. Once I become nothing by my weight I fail.
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    Well, this is refreshing. I expected the normal "omg I am over my goal by 300 calories what do I do??" Jeez, I had a fried tenderloin sandwich followed by a fried chicken drumstick and a brownie today lol. Oh and yesterday was crap also.

    I think the key is to keep it in moderation and get back on track the day.
  • DRBuchholz
    DRBuchholz Posts: 55 Member
    I think this is a great way to look at it! My problem is I let myself indulge EVERY day! Good luck to you! Sounds like you had a great weekend!
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks it was a great weekend, Argo is a really enjoyable movie too. SUnday went well, I got my cardio in and actually did a little extra.

    I think the idea that I am not on a diet, but just changing how I live my life is akey to me. Within that I also must allow myself the ability to live my life and sometimes that involves days like my past Saturday.
  • RonitMig
    RonitMig Posts: 30 Member
    I had a rough weekend too- Friday night dinner party at an Italian restaurant. Saturday a wedding, and Sunday a food tour in NYC. I did the best I could but I still went over all 3 days. The scale was higher this morning, but I am betting it will go back down. I agree- this is life, and I can only do the best I can do. Also, I think of this as practice for the holidays ;)
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I weigh myself before lunch each weekday. Today after the weekend above I was 1.5 lbs lighter than Friday.

    Not sure what that is about, but I'll take it!