weight loss and sickness

I weigh-in every Weds and I've lost 5.6lbs in the last week. I'm just wondering if I should count this as a true weightloss, as I've been sick since Sunday night and been unable to eat very much....




  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    Im the same i lost 5lbs last week but i was ill for 48hrs and didnt eat anything. Hopefully it will still be a loss next week. Suppose you can only really tell at your next weigh in if you put it back on or not.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I wouldn't count it if u are weighing everyday. If it is your weekly weigh in I would.
  • dmjackso678
    I would totally count it as weight loss!!!!!!:happy:
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks guys, I guess i'll just have to see what happens next weigh-in! :smile: