introducing myself

Hello I am kind of new to this. I find this website very great. I just had a baby 3 months ago and trying to lose weight. I am curently at 194, my short term goal is 170 and my long term goal is 140. I love reading everyones success stories and hoping one day I can post one. I' [am currently doing zumba at my house for workout and it is wonderful.If anyone has anything they like to share, I would love to give and receive support. Goodluck everyone


  • msno1978
    msno1978 Posts: 23 Member
    i do zumba at home as well and now im starting to do my own dance routines
  • natalie1793
    natalie1793 Posts: 14 Member
    yes, dancing is the greatest workout. Zumba sure gets me sweating and not only that I feel great after doing it.