I feel like such a failure...

For the past week and a half I have not exercised. I feel like such a failure. I still have been eatting healthy. But I don't feel like its going anywhere without the exercise. I am going to get back to it today. However I just can't help feeling guilty when I eat knowing it isn't coming off or going anywhere. I am about to start my cycle so on top of feeling like a failure I also feel bloated. I am just afraid of gaining the weight that I have lost. Yesterday I was sooo hungry. But instead of eating something unhealthy I stuck with my vegetables and fruit. I am getting married in November. And I just want to feel beautiful in my dress. I just need a little push.


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    We all go through this, especially us women around our TOM. You're doing a great thing by reaching out for support and continuing to eat healthy. The only person making you feel guilty is YOU. Give yourself a break for the past week and start fresh today with the exercise!

    You have a lot of time before your wedding :) Keep up the great work and you WILL reach your goals! *hUgS*
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it, and definately don't feel like a failure because you're not at all!!

    You've made healthy choices with food and you're getting back into the exercise today. Keep looking forward and don't be too hard on yourself!

    And I'm sure you'll look amazing in your dress in November!! :flowerforyou:
  • simmonsntz
    In 2008 I trained to run a marathon. I knew I couldn't run the marathon but I did the training anyway. The leader was a councelor and he said many things that helped me. The one I want to pass along to you is one of the most helpful things I've ever learned. You aren't perfect. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to slack off on your exercise for a number of reasons. You are going to eat something that isn't on the plan. The key is to FORGIVE yourself the next day and move forward from that failure. Learn from it and move on. Don't let it become who you are.

    November is a long way a way but you can achieve your goal one day at a time by just focusing on each day as it comes. AND if your fiance didn't already think you looked BEAUTIFUL enough there wouldn't be a wedding date in November. Stop stressing and start enjoying this time in your life.
  • rach89652
    You are NOT a failure, first of all!

    Just start as if today were the first day! Work out good and hard and dont worry about what happened in the last couple of weeks! In my opinion, eating right is the hardest thing to do! And girl, you already have that down! Good luck with your work out! I know it will be a good one!
  • stephela
    Keep your chin up! You are not a failure! You are still making good choices. It is hard to change your lifestyle at once with healthy eating and exercise, so I commend you on sticking to your healthy eating. Gradually get your workouts in and the weight will start melting away.

    Our TOM is always a speedbump eery month, but don't let it get you down. Keep doing what you are doing, be positive, and you WILL have success. And the important thing to remember is your future husband is going to think you are the most beautiful bride in the world in November. Your wedding is all about you two and your commitment to each other!

    Keep up the hard work!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Check out my post I made a couple of days ago titled my dirty little secret.

    We all have days, week(s) like this.

    Feel proud of yourself that you are learning healthy eating habits, and sticking to them when alternatives are available.

    Also in all reality we here can't always go to the gym every day or week as life happens, accept that and know that you will get back on the wagon to reach your goals.
  • sillysallyf
    sillysallyf Posts: 40 Member
    I want to thank all of you for your motivation and support. I really needed it. I was feeling really down. Now with the help of you all I will have a great workout. I know I can do this and I will!!
  • kbarker65
    kbarker65 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome back. A bump in the road from which you recover by coming back to this site and continuing to try is not a failure at all.