

  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    Calories first and foremost. Fat and Saturated Fat are second. Carbs third, sodium fourth. Everything else I don't tend to struggle too badly with, so I largely ignore them. My diet is consistently very low in cholesterol and stuff like that, so I just watch those to make sure I'm not going to gain weight or give myself a heart attack.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I try to balance everything out.
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    calories, protein
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    calories and carbs!
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    I tend to watch the caloric intake most, but try to be good on the other ones. The sugar one is a tricky one for me dues to a natural sugar in fruit with great fibre, like an apple versus a fake sugar like the white stuff in a green tea. I try not to be to hard on myself though..this is a process and I want to be the turtle rather than the hare.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    The priority of focus should be 1) calories goal 2) protein target depending on exercise goals, 3) fats at .35 to .4 grams per lb of body weight 4) Carbs for the balance. I see no value to to tracking sugar as it is a carb and you are tracking carbs overall and I can't imagine why you might need to track sodium unless you habitually use too much. The only other thing I track is fiber.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I focus on calories. My protein always says it is over, I really dont care as this is agood thing in my opinion.

    I do look at my iron as well, since I am severly anemic and have had to have treatments for that. (And sadly, I am almost always under where I need to be, but working on that).

    The rest-carbs, sugar, fat- I hardly ever exceed and very rarely worry about it. I am a salty food addict so I double my water intake and pee like a racehorse. Figure it somewhat balances in there.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    For me I was diagnosed as prediabetic so sugar became a huge consideration for me... that and doing lots of cardio -- then gradually I switched my focus to getting more protein and fiber. And I have other considerations, like acid reflux so this is a personal thing to each person's needs.

    My take is once you get a handle on getting within your target and generally eating healthier, then you can look at the details/fine tuning...
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I watch calories, protein, fat & carbs. I try for 40-30-30% (carbs-protein-fat), and the phone app has an awesome little pie chart that tells me how close I'm getting to those goals. I'm actually happy when I see my protein go in the red though, but everything else, I don't sweat it.
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    In order of importance for me it is: calories, potassium and iron.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    Hi all,
    I was just wondering what you pay more attention to, calories, carbs, fat, sodium or sugar.

    The reason I ask is because I'm finding it impossible to keep under all the categories. I may be under in the calorie department but over in other areas. Sometimes I think that it's only calories that really count, but I know that isn't the case. I just get frustrated sometimes when I'm under in cals and see that stupid "red" writing telling me that I'm actually over! (haha)

    What do you think/do?
    Any suggestions?

    I don't worry about any of it except getting enough protein. A calorie deficit or budget is all that matters.

    Seriously, all that matters is a calorie deficit to lose weight. Making it too complicated is setting yourself up for failure. Just eat what you like, mostly healthy, enough protein (not extra), it does not have to be perfect. Fat cells don't care about clean, but you feel better and perform better the cleaner you eat.

    Exercise is only to make your lean body mass pretty for when the fat is gone. You will lose fat faster than you will build muscle so exercise asap and keep it up. Especially weight training. Weight training gives you the best bang for your buck when it comes to shaping a nice body.

    Other than that only if you have specific health issues, some people need to watch sodium, I have to watch sugar and carbs because of low thyroid, adrenal fatigue, and diabetes risk. Some people have gluten intolerance. I'm allergic to chicken eggs, etc.

    Thanks...that's great advice. And if I can get that body (as seen in your profile pic) then it's well worth it. lol. Thanks!
  • Adrian211
    Adrian211 Posts: 52 Member
    Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Sodium and Potassium (mostly the last two for regulating my blood pressure). I am usually always over fat and sugar, and it's always a constant struggle. Especially with sugar. Mind you, the sugar counter doesn't differentiate between natural and added sugar, but seeing a high number all the time is discouraging
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Calories and protein. I get enough fat without even trying. Carbs sort themselves out. Multivitamin fills in micronutrient deficiencies.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    Just starting, I focused on calories and that worked just fine. I've recently started looking at my other macros, and working to stay under.

    Don't overwhelm yourself into frustration, just my 2 cents.
  • MommaKit79
    My first focus in on Calories becuase I need to lose weight. But, I also have to watch my sugars/carbs and sodium, because if they are high, then it slows my progress. That is just for me tho because I am Hypoglycemic so, I have to keep an eye on my sugars. And sodium...well, i have had swelling issues when I was first starting out.

    I then keep an eye on my Fiber and Protein, working on getting them in the red...those #s in the red would be GREAT for me. I am trying to increase muscle a little bit and the fiber...well, we all know the reason for that one! :-)

    You have to see what your body reacts to the most. Calories should be everyones 1st concern when trying to lose weight. But, everything else is a personal preference/necessity.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi all,
    I was just wondering what you pay more attention to, calories, carbs, fat, sodium or sugar.

    In order of concern to me:

    1. Calcium. I don't like milk and didn't eat much dairy so I was taking a calcium supplement. But after reading a few troubling studies about supplements, I decided to stop them and focus on getting enough from my diet. So, I am focused now and getting a routine diet that meets or exceeds the RDA for calcium.

    2. Calories. I love to eat so need to always keep this in mind.

    3. Protein. I like to a lot eat more plants than meat so I keep an eye on this to make sure I get enough.

    4. Fat. I've been trying to reduce my fat a little since I'm always over, even though it's mostly vegetable fats. Not a huge concern, but I'm watching it.

    I try to get most of my carbs from veggies, fruits and whole grains, but otherwise I don't worry about sodium, sugar or carbs because I'm nearly always under the goal for those.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Protein, Fats, Carbs, Sodium and Fiber

    Sugar is a carb. So if you have carbs, then you don't need sugar and MFP is very low and generic on sugars.
  • vikdexkaykai
    vikdexkaykai Posts: 92 Member
    WOW thank you all for your thoughts and opinions. I will 'chill out' and not stress about all of them. LOL.
    From all of your posts, it would appear that CALORIES are #1 (this of course is individualized)~! and PROTEIN are a close second!!
    I have been hitting the gym 3-4 times/week, balancing strength/weight training with cardio. I don't want this body to look saggy once all (and by all I mean a this FAT is gonzo!!!!

    You guys/gals are all amazing!!

    JENN :)
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I try to get as close to my protein and calorie goals as possible. You can customize the settings if you can't stand to see the red numbers.
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I pay close attention to foods high in Iron (b/c I'm iron deficient), I pay attention to foods that are high in Calcium because I'm in my early 30s and I don't want to risk getting osteoporosis when I get older, foods low in Sodium/Salt (so I don't bloat as i'm eating or right after), to foods high in Protein & Fiber (so I'm FULL after I eat). After that, I look at Calories. I don't look at Fat or Sugar. I don't add sugar to my latte or coffee or tea and I drink unsweetened iced tea. I can taste the sugar in sweets and I generally can only tolerate that just before my monthly period.