Absolutely starving today...

kilburni Posts: 22
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So I've been at the low calorie thing for about 4 weeks now and I'm actually having one of my worst hunger days so far. I got into work at about 8:40 and ate my fruit and jello cup then at about 9:15 I had to go through my morning snack (100 calorie pack hostess cupcakes) and now, at 9:50, I just thought to myself "when's lunch?"

How often does everyone else go through these days? I feel like I have 1-2 per week where I'm just ravenous all day regardless of what I eat...


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    morning kilburni,

    I'll tell ya, that there days I crave all day long. The only salvation for me is to keep something crunchy to snack on like celery sticks. Are you sure you aren't dehydrated? go drink a huge glass of water, and then give yourself 10 minutes to see if you are still having the cravings. I have found that 50% of the time, I need water.

    Good luck!
  • I feel this way daily pretty much. I eat usually fruit and a cup of oatmeal around 8, then at ten I'll have an apple or banana, and at 10:30 I'm starving. I go to lunch at 12, have a large salad or grilled chicken breast with veggies and at 2 I'm starving again. So I'll have raw veggies at two and at 5 I'm ready again. No matter how much I eat, or how often, the more healthy I eat the more hungry I am :( I'm getting my recommended calories everyday. I'm usually right at it. I ALWAYS have the munchies ugh! Lol anyway just letting you know I feel the same way a lot!
  • Hi, when I have those kind of days I realize that lik you I am eating carb type stuff....try switching over to some protein type snacks, they keep me from feeling less hungry longer! Good Luck...:smile:
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    I read somewhere recently that you actually should be eating about half of your daily calories earlier in the day. Try aiming for about 600 good healthy calories (with lots of protein) early on, and then you won't be as hungry later. ALSO, if you eat protein for breakfast (and MINIMAL carbs), your appetite will be suppressed. When I do that, sometimes I'm not even hungry at lunchtime.
    Hope those suggestions will help you!
  • I agree with the water. When I am wanting to snack I drink a huge glass and when I want something sweet I have some crystal light in the water, that usually helps.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sounds like you need some protein and fiber in the morning to make you feel more full
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I usually ask if you're anywhere close to that "Time Of The Month" but that doesn't really apply here ;););)

    I agree with everyone, water and protein could solve the problem :)
  • I noticed the foods you listed are mostly carbs and sugar. Biochemically, these foods burn faster and cause cravings. Your blood glucose levels peak and fall very fast so you body craves more of the same. Read the labels and be especially aware of high fructose corn syrup and AVOID it at all cost. High fructose corn syrup is addictive and causes you to crave more of it.

    Change your snacks and foods to items with a high fiber and protein content. These foods give you a sensation of fullness that lasts much longer and are also much healthier for you.
  • hmwth
    hmwth Posts: 25
    put some carbs in there
  • I have days like that, too, where it seems like no matter what I eat, I'm still starving. I noticed, though, that those are the days I tend to be eating a lot of "fluff" snacks. You know, the stuff that is low in calories but has nothing really in them that will keep me feeling full or satiated. I think we (especially those of us trying to lose weight) get very scared of eating anything with fat in it. Fat is actually necessary to our diets, though, and is one of the things that helps us feel full longer.

    If you tried changing your snacks to things like apples with a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter or (my favorite) colby-jack cheese sticks, you'd find that you feel full longer. At least, that's what's worked better for me.
  • Wow, thanks for the responses everyone! It definitely seems like the recurring theme here is protein so maybe I need to stop "saving calories" for later in the day and have an egg with toast or even an english muffin with egg sandwich or something before I leave for work in the morning then save the fruit cup for a snack later in the day!

    Haha, sorry, LongMom...no time of the month...just an attack of the munchies!

    Oh, and jamijensen...colby jack cheese sticks sound fantastic, I may have to pick some up to have when I'm dying for something filling!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Wow, thanks for the responses everyone! It definitely seems like the recurring theme here is protein so maybe I need to stop "saving calories" for later in the day and have an egg with toast or even an english muffin with egg sandwich or something before I leave for work in the morning then save the fruit cup for a snack later in the day!

    Haha, sorry, LongMom...no time of the month...just an attack of the munchies!

    Oh, and jamijensen...colby jack cheese sticks sound fantastic, I may have to pick some up to have when I'm dying for something filling!

    Here's a couple thoughts:

    Breakfast: Egg sandwich on high fiber english muffin with ham with a banana

    Sanck: 1 oz Goat cheese, 8 wheatable crackers and a small pear

    It's what I had today!!!
  • I start everyday with oatmeal with frozen berries and ground flax seeds (about two tbsp) I find that with the amount of protien and fiber I'm not hungry until about 10 - I eat breakfast at 6:45 every morning. If I make sure that I have some protien with each snack/meal I tend to be able to keep hunger at bay for longer. My snacks today are raw zucchini/asparagus and homemade hummus(morning and afternoon)! YUMMY!! A blenderfull lasts me and my partner for about a week - super easy and cheap to make!
  • Wow, thanks for the responses everyone! It definitely seems like the recurring theme here is protein so maybe I need to stop "saving calories" for later in the day and have an egg with toast or even an english muffin with egg sandwich or something before I leave for work in the morning then save the fruit cup for a snack later in the day!

    Haha, sorry, LongMom...no time of the month...just an attack of the munchies!

    Oh, and jamijensen...colby jack cheese sticks sound fantastic, I may have to pick some up to have when I'm dying for something filling!

    The ones I get only have 110 calories, but they seem to fill me up a lot longer than the 100 calorie packs of cookies (I still get those, though, because I HAVE to have something sweet, too.) I hope you find what works for you!
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