Migraine Diet

I'm having a hard time controlling my migraines. I've tried about everything, from diet to medicine to alternative therapy to surgery. When it comes to the diet part of it, I feel like I'm struggling to eat healthy and have enough variety in my diet. I'd really love some ideas for salad dressing with no triggers and other healthy recipes. Thanks!


  • purduegurl18
    My mother and I have migraines as well. It honestly depends on your trigger. It may not be a food trigger if you have tried eliminating some of the listed triggers.

    Mine are stress and hormone triggered while my mom's are tied to hormones and sleep positions. Do you know what your trigger is?
  • April1201
    April1201 Posts: 28 Member
    Mine are hormonal for sure, but I'm not sure if food is a trigger or not. I haven't given it a fair shot yet with absolutely no trigger foods for a decent amount of time. I've had so many different specialists tell me different things that it's hard to tell anymore what is causing them. Preventative medicine isn't even helping, really. This month alone I've already had 9 migraines, and it's the 15th. I figured I'd give a completely clean diet a chance and see how that goes in helping my migraines. We'll see! :)