First Day

Well I am 278 lbs. I have had 2 open-heart surgeries, and I didn't put the weight on overnight. I will need a lot of help to keep me motivated.



  • helenta77
    helenta77 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey, u can add me.
  • Add me and good luck! We are here to encourage each other!
  • Hey there
    I started today too. You can certainly add me and we could loose and get support, good luck on your journey.
  • Thanks gals, my ultimate goal is 164 lbs that would be 114 lb weight loss. but if I can get to a size 36 jeans I would be happy to. I monitored my calories for 2 weeks and was eating between 3500-5000+ calories a day. I have cut back to 1800 calories a day on a low carb / high protein (with lots of water 80-128 oz / day) diet.

    As far as how active. I am a computer tech so I sit a lot. but I have been walked 2 miles every day for the past 2 weeks.
    Today I started the Power 90 program (not ready for P90x) as well as a couch to 5k jogging workout that lasts 12 weeks.

    My struggles have been sugar and carbs I love the stuff.
    Protein shakes are helping me keep my cravings down.
  • I know it is water weight but to see an 8.2 lb drop in one day was crazy.
  • I think you're doing a great job. You've gotten a wonderful start, keep it up! :)
  • Hey buddy my first day, also had two shoulder surguries
  • soonergirl97
    soonergirl97 Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone needs encouragement you can add me