Thoughts on pleatueaing

As I was walking home from the gym today, I had a thought. Whenever a person hits a plateau they are always told to switch up their workouts or increase calories (usually both). It made me wonder, has anyone ever hit a plateau and stuck it out doing their same routine, and then come out of the rut? I was just curious if you don't switch up workouts or increase calories if a plateau could potentially last forever..hmm..thoughts?


  • leestulip
    I had a plateau that lasted 30 days! I ended up increasing my calories and lost 3 lbs the next day!
  • sirthickness
    Check out "" and see his section on platues. Hell, while you're at it, check out his ENTIRE site. It is quite awesome. I have found it to be super helpful (and no, I have no affiliation with the site). The guy really knows what he is talking about and is supported by real results. It is worth your time!
  • ssteinbring677
    ssteinbring677 Posts: 158 Member
    How many calories did you increase by?
  • lx_moss
    lx_moss Posts: 7 Member
    I hit a plateau and had ready about re-booting your metabolism by reminding your body it's not starving. So I had three "cheat days" in a row. I obviously gained some weight during that time, but when I went back to my counting and excersize it came off and broke my plateau.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Currently in one.

    Lowered my calories. Upped my exercise. Lowered my exercise. Upped my calories.

    Nothing has moved it.

    I think mine has been brought on by stress through lack of sleep. So, I am trying to get in good sleep now and will see how it goes after 2 weeks. I am hoping!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I just finished a 3 week stall. I quit working out for a week (medical condition) and dropped 3 lbs.

    Since we don't have a control group it's hard to say if it was the change in my workout or if I would have dropped the weight on the fourth week anyway. I'm such a nerd, I really like analyzing all that goes into keeping the body healthy but I realize I may be fooling myself when I make a conclusion.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I've had MFP friends that went for months without losing weight.

    I don't know if this counts or not, but I plateau EVERY MONTH. I lose weight the day my period stops... usually 5 or 6 pounds. Then I lose a few more pounds over the next 3 to 6 days. Then, for the rest of the month, I waffle between my lowest weight +1 pound and my lowest weight +8 pounds. During my period I drop back to my lowest weight (lose the weight that I appeared to gain back), then when it stops, the loss happens again. So it LOOKS like a 3 week plateau every month. I have got as long as 5 weeks on a plateau before my doctor started adjusting my hormones with various therapies. Now my cycles are regulated so my plateaus are too.

    In the beginning it made me crazy and I was always looking for ways to get things moving again. Now I know it has nothing to do with my diet or exercise, so I just keep on doing the same things I've been doing, and wait to see what the loss will be when that time comes.

    It has made me wonder if plateaus are often related to hormones, but without tracking things people just don't see it.