Has anyone linked their Body Media Fit to Fitness Pal??

I just linked my BMF to the site and now It added a calorie adjustment of 584 to my day, does anyone know why it did that or what it means?

It put it under my cardio but I haven't worked out yet today, so not sure if I should leave it or delete it.

Let me know if you can help out!


  • apatheticLog
    apatheticLog Posts: 24 Member
    when you exercise, it adds calories for you to eat to even it out.

    wait, it added 500+ cals and you didnt exercise 500+ cals? hmmm actually that sounds strange.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm still confused lol I haven't exercised yet, is it just estimating what I may burn?

    Also I have my cals set to IPOARM higher cal setting, though I do put in my workouts, if I am going to manually put in my workouts on a daily basis, should I delete this?

    ETA - Also, does this update my BMF website when I close out my diary for the day?

    Sorry for all the questions, wasn't sureif there was some better explanation of this sync and what it does, I keep just finding things to download the apps, not really how to use it!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I can't speak to the BMF, but the fitbit experiences sync issues on occasion. I would suggest that when you see something you feel is weird, that you do a sanity check on the BMF site and make sure your calories burned matches what MFP says.
  • plzlbsbegone
    I just linked mine too, it doesn't make sense. I have a 1700 cal goal on BMF, and It says I have burned 2400 cals so far today. So when it linked it added 1000+cals to my goal on MFP. Thats crazy, it says I can eat 2700 cals. If I did that I would have a surplus!!
  • apatheticLog
    apatheticLog Posts: 24 Member
    yep. mines all off too. i have a 1200 cal/day goal, and now its saying i have a 2110 cal/day goal. just linked the apps.

    weird. also it doesnt seem to sync the weight? hmm
  • lisab0864
    lisab0864 Posts: 154
    I just resynced my BMF (normally only do it in the am) and MFP adjusted my calorie burn (in the exercise section) to read BMF's estimated calorie burn for the day (not the calories I've burned so for but my ESTIMATE for the full day - ie light blue line on BMF). If for some reason you don't want that adjustment to show up on MFP you can click on the red dash to remove it.
  • travelclarkie
    I've been noticing a some inconsistencies as well. The obvious one as I get use to things are the following:
    Calories consumed do not match up and calories burned.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I noticed I had to go on the BMF site and manually change my calorie goal to match my MFP one.

    Also, not sure what is up with it adding adjusted cals under cardio, I just deleted them because it was putting it in like I burned those during a cardio session, which wasn't true lol I haven't plugged my BMF in yet to update my burns, usually do it once a week because I have the little display so I can see my burn on a daily basis, but I did like the fact that my MFP cals were on the BMF site!