Finished the 30 Day Shred!!! (Pics)



  • mercymarque
    Wow.. I can totally see a difference. I am doing JM ripped in 30. I am on week 1 day 4 tonight. I also do Denise Austin Pilates. You have totally motivated me. I have JM kick boxing and buns and thighs dvd. I have 26 pounds to lose to be in a healthy BMI. I don't really want to lose more than that. I just want to have a toned and leaned body. My biggest problem is the stomach I have with my last child who is three. I will work hard with JM to lose this pouch. Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks for sharing and good luck/continued success.
  • Vnm77
    Vnm77 Posts: 32 Member
    Love how it trimmed your middle...that's the best place to lose! I need Jillian to take off 2 inches off my waist...waiting to start JM Body Revolution when it arrives in the mail. CONGRATS!
  • DianaMI
    DianaMI Posts: 15 Member
    Very motivating. After work me and my partner are starting. I hope I stick with it the whole 30 days. You made some impressive changes.
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    woo hoo!!!! I'll be starting this tomorrow morning.
  • poocon
    poocon Posts: 368 Member
    Wow, that is great!!!
  • PisceanDream224
    Thank you!! Good luck to everyone who is working out with Jillian or is about to start! You can do it!! Just stick with it and you will definitely see changes. I highly suggest taking photos because seeing the actual results in pictures rather than just the mirror is more exciting. By the last week, I really couldn't see the difference in the mirror but it is more visible in the pics. It really helps! Have fun with it, and if you get bored, you can always substitute another workout that day or take a day off. I was really not liking Level 2 there for awhile at the end, but I made it through and was glad to finish it. :) The rest days actually help you get stronger when you return to it. It gets easier, in words...
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    You look like you lost WAY more than 16 pounds! Congrats!
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