What keeps you going?

I'm going through my weight loss journey and I'm on my way to my desired size :) BUT it's not always easy!!!!

I am a sucker for snacks and that is my achilles heel when it comes to food. However, I've kept strong recently and seen good results. I realise my motivation is my dream to be able to wear the clothes I've always wanted.


What keeps you going???


  • What keeps me going is the memory of being hot, sweaty, feeling awkward and deeply unhappy with my former self, and I want to keep it that way - my former self! I get scared when I approach my target weight as I am then scared to put on any, and don't want to lose too much either - I'll cross that bridge when i come to it.

    Also, a big motivation is not to be like some of my older elatives who have yo-yoed from enormous to thin to enormous, and the strain that they have put on their bodies and the side effects of that.

    Good luck and I wish you well for your desire to fit into the clothes you want to wear - I know whatyou mean! x
  • Well done to you :) I'm seeing you're closer to your goal! Absolutely Awesome :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    1. The challenge. I used food as my everything my whole life and the hardest thing I've ever done is eating less of it. It's easier now, but still a challenge daily. I like it.
    2. Progress. Each pound gone makes me want to keep it gone forever.
    3. The doubters, my mother especially. I'm a yo-yo dieter and people know that. It's time to prove them (and myself, see #1) wrong.
    4. Goals related to ballet are really important to me and in order to fulfill them, I need to be lighter.

    I would say all the crap that everyone says is a reason to lose weight (feel better about yourself, look hot, keep diseases away, etc.) but that stuff doesn't really keep me going. When I'm working out or planning my calories for the day, I am thinking about #1-4.
  • Good for you for being honest!

    Keep going and remember that this issue will not last forever, soon it will be 'I used to...' :)
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Routine keeps me going, almost without trying. Even when a weekend goes totally nuts, Monday I am back to it.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    What really keep me going is the changes I see in the mirror...and how working hard not only benefits me but helps others by putting in work and leading by example....In this journey never thought I would actually be an instructor but now I teach Group Power...My endurance is so much better and the excitement of achievement I feel after a workout... The feeling of just knowing you can do it and the looks I recieve when people see me...Crazy amazing..

    Don't get me wrong it hasn't always been a just do it type thing. I have grown since being on MFP for 597 days which I am very proud of...:happy: 207 now to 152...really can't beat the feeling and going back looking at pics... I have met many goals and so many great people here...They keep me going as well... Life has it times and we take them as they come but as long as we continue to bounce back....and know we have to keep going...All goals will be met for this healthier lifestyle..