Commited Daily Challenges Friends

So I love daily challenges, I find they make me push harder. I'm looking for friends who think the same way, so my idea is that MON-FRI I'll post a new challenge to complete, and we support and hold eachother accountable. Anyone interested? Add me and lets get it started!! WHOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


  • trienn
    trienn Posts: 29 Member
    Challenge? Like a workout or exercise or something else?

    Sounds very interesting, so I was wondering :)
  • hhaffner
    hhaffner Posts: 25 Member
    i'm interested - could give a couple of examples of what the challenges would look like?
  • larpaige
    Totally interested. I'll add you. This is a great idea!! :-)xx
  • maiden3muscle
    I want to lost 80 lbs in less than a year's time. I'm using fitness pal to track my meals and water consumption.
    i 'm competing in a bodybuilding show.
  • trienn
    trienn Posts: 29 Member
    Hey, is this still on?
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    This is a great idea. Anyone want to throw out the first one?
  • trienn
    trienn Posts: 29 Member
    Hmmm, I have no idea what the challenge is suppose to be about, but if someone wants to start, I'll surely join in :)
  • Ooo yes! I really want daily challenges!
  • pstone46
    I am up for a challenge. Bring it on. The daily challenges will help me get to my goal.

    I await to hear what I have to do.:smile: