First Day :)

Hi :),

This is my first day making a profile for my fitness pal. I have had the app on my phone for quite awhile now, but I figured I could use some encouragement from people who are trying to reach their goals like me. I am 22 years old and would like to start a healthier lifestyle. I used to be very athletic and over the years I lost the body that I took a lot of pride in.

I am getting back in the gym starting tomorrow, and I really have to get motivated to eat healthier foods. I am an extremely picky eater, so what I eat is very limited and I do not always pick the best things to munch on. If there are any other picky eaters out there I could definitely use some advice on how you deal with it when trying to eat right and balance food groups.

Thanks! :)


  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm also picky. I'm really trying to focus on eating healthy and living healthy and not just "cutting calories to lose weight". It's hard to get the veggies in that I know I need to be eating. I used to be skinny too. Trying to get back to that. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • Raitanj1
    Thank you for the encouragement! Hopefully we can get through this picky eating together! :) Good luck with your goals, I know we can do it!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • majowie
    majowie Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me if you want :)
  • Jme7712
    I'm looking for the far I really like this. If you use it, it will help to hold you accountable which is what I really am lacking right now. Add me!
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    add me :) good luck!