does anyone else suffer from post-anorexia?

fauxdetresse Posts: 40
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
i'm mostly using this site to make sure i eat and exercise correctly, without turning to various unhealthy alternatives. i haven't been anorexic for almost five years now, but i definitely messed up my body, eating habits, and digestive track. the first year after i started eating again, i put on a couple pant sizes and hated my body, then i found unhealthy ways to lose that weight. it took me two years to eat three meals a day, and now after almost five years i believe i'm at a heathy metabolic state. over the past five years i've tried the most unhealthy ways to be stick-thin again (i was a size 0 when i was anorexic, with room to spare), and i really think i'm ready to start doing things the healthy way, so now i'm eating the correct amount of food and exercising a good amount. keeping track on this website certainly helps :)

does anyone know what i'm talking about?


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I don't know how you feel but I did want to welcome you to the website, I think you'll find this to be a very supportive environment... WELCOME!!!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • I'm new here, and I am loving it so far. I have always been a binge eater without consequences (high metabolism I guess) but my thyroid went bad and I gained 36 lbs in less than three years. I think you will find this site to be super helpful and supportive. I HAVE!~c
  • Hi,
    I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager. I know what you mean about hating the body because it isn't rail thin, or doesn't look the way it once did. Your body is always doing the best it can for you, be amazed by it's restorative powers. Give yourself lots of love and credit for the incredible job you've done getting healthier! Congratulations!
    I wish you all the best on your healing journey.
  • I have never been anorexic...but I have had some heavy duty bulimic tendency in the past (7 years ago mainly...then on and off for a few years). I am using this site to keep me on middle ground....not binging..... not purging.... Just staying level and healthy. It's still tough to remember to eat and when....but by planning it out the night before makes it easier. Using the site helps me have a sense of...control...over something based off deeper emotional triggers.
  • No, not anorexia. I am the opposite of that thinking. You deprive yourself food to be thin and I would emotionally stuff myself with food and tell myself I didn't care what I looked like, no one gave a crap anyway.

    All varying types of self hating. I am trying to learn how to care about my body and be proud of what it can do.

    This place as wonderful and lots of congrats to you for making those important choices *HUG*
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