New to MFP and a drinker

Hello out there. New to MFP and trying to commit to a new lifestyle. Am a drinker so it has been difficult. Switched to low cal mixers. Anyone else in same boat?


  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    hi there! im the same!!
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    nah. I don't drink... sounds like you're doing good, though
  • I totally understand. That's exactly what I do. I mix vodka shots (70 cals each) with sugar free redbull, coke zero, sprite zero etc. If I know I am having a few drinks one night, I generally accommodate that by eating lower cal foods during the day to ensure I don't go over my calorie limit.
  • I love a drink, but since being on MFP, have blown calories away during the week to allow for some drinking time :-)
  • meatoc
    meatoc Posts: 4
    vodka sodas with some fresh lime are a good choice too! :) hard not to eat the wrong types of food after a few drinks though!!
  • SandraLaker
    SandraLaker Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the exact same boat. Only day 2 for me and we are having a braai and we always drink a few. I normally drink brandy with Coke Zero. Better calculate a few of those before I eat anything more today.
  • Anyone needing motavatin friends on here, feel free to add me :-)
  • TCondor
    TCondor Posts: 88
    Here's a few drinking tips that have helped me. First I keep my drinking to the weekends usually Saturday but sometimes Friday night as well. I like having Sunday as a day to get back on track before my work week starts.

    Second, if I'm drinking beer I go for either my home brew or local microbrews. They are generally higher quality and I drink less than I would commercial "lite" beer.

    Third, when it comes to liquor, I generally stick to shots on the rocks or w/water and eliminate the mixers all together.

    And finally, I always have a glass of water so I can drink that with my beer/shot to make it last longer.

    Hope it helps and good luck.

    Peace -- TC
  • sweetiepaia
    sweetiepaia Posts: 68 Member
    yeah love my red wine. but i am actually doing good at not drinking it as much, used to be every night a couple of glasses, now its only week ends and sometimes not even!
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    I totally understand. That's exactly what I do. I mix vodka shots (70 cals each) with sugar free redbull, coke zero, sprite zero etc. If I know I am having a few drinks one night, I generally accommodate that by eating lower cal foods during the day to ensure I don't go over my calorie limit.

    ^This..... I am a drinker... I must say that I have stopped drinking during the week. But on weekends, if I know I will be having a few, I usually make better food choices in the day, and extra workouts to accomodate... I drink Vodka, with low cal cranberry-pomegranate, diet gingerale, and zero calorie Red Bull.... a regular drink is less than 100 cals... I stay away from pre-mixed drinks...

    Edit... I do have the occasional glass of red wine during the week... :drinker:
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.
  • Yeah, Weekends kill me.. feel free to add me
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."
  • Absolutely, it is completely by downfall but I love to have a few drinks and relax with my friends on the weekend.... its hard.
  • Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."
    Excellent response :-)
  • SO your boyfriend gave you an offensive name that you hate, so you use it as your username on here? He also reminds you every day that you are no longer the skinny girl he used to date?

    I can give you a really easy way to lose 150-200 pounds of ugly fat in about 5 minutes! No amount of alcohol can make up for living with a jerk like that.
  • Oh gosh - I'm in the same boat!!! But I've found since I joined one of the challenge groups that I've been drinking A LOT less in order to not go over my calorie limits. I really don't want to dissapoint myself with my goals.

    So maybe join one of the groups that pop up, it seems to be the movitivation I was missing. Personally, I can't bring myself to cheat on my food diary (which I keep private, so I don't feel pressured) and I would feel bad lying to the MFP community.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."

    I did not accuse, I just stated a fact that it may be a problem. Also how many truly healthy person would start a conversation with 'I'm a drinker'. They may state they like to have a drink or drink wine, etc - but calling themselves a drinker?
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    I been cutting out chasers entirely to cut back my calories. Takes some getting used to (especially since I'm not exactly shopping top shelf), but it lets me not feel nearly as bad about having a few drinks.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."

    I did not accuse, I just stated a fact that it may be a problem. Also how many truly healthy person would start a conversation with 'I'm a drinker'. They may state they like to have a drink or drink wine, etc - but calling themselves a drinker?

    I thought your response was spot on. It's not necessarily about accusing of there being a problem, but that it's the way of thinking that should change. Instead of thinking "I'm a drinker" perhaps something like "I'm choosing healthier options for my body, but still want to keep alcohol (perhaps occasionally), even though I understand it's not the best thing for me." Of course, that makes for a long title! :)