New to MFP and a drinker



  • josiea98
    josiea98 Posts: 15 Member
    I have my occasional drink, but unfortunately alcohol is nothing but empty calories. If you're going to make the lifestyle change and count calories, you may have to make a decision whether you want to eat or drink. ;o)
  • Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."

    I did not accuse, I just stated a fact that it may be a problem. Also how many truly healthy person would start a conversation with 'I'm a drinker'. They may state they like to have a drink or drink wine, etc - but calling themselves a drinker?

    I have to agree. And it really amazes me that it is socially acceptable on here to cut out real food to save calories for daily alcohol consumption, yet when someone cuts out bread or sugar to lower their calories, they get blasted for not eating enough?? Really?

    If anyone that is trying to lose weight, has as their top priority to fit in alcohol on a REGULAR BASIS, I agree that they might need to take a step back and assess their priorities.
  • I have my occasional drink, but unfortunately alcohol is nothing but empty calories. If you're going to make the lifestyle change and count calories, you may have to make a decision whether you want to eat or drink. ;o)

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    When I joined MFP I would still drink occasionally and I would either just go over on those days or eat light. Now I just really don't drink anymore, it's not worth it to me.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    totally there but I like beer-easier for around the fire:) makes it tough and slow but not giving up:)
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Yes. Definitely in the same boat. >_< Skinny Girl Vodka and diet orange soda isn't bad (I'm two fisted, I don't actually mix the drink) Only problem with SGV is it gives me a headache the next morning. I like dark beer BUT it has way too many calories so I opt for Miller 64 a lot of the time. Right now I have Blue Moon in the fridge and am loving it but it's either beer or food with that stuff. It's difficult for sure.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    I try to stick to rum or vodka mixed with diet soda. Typical cocktails are out. I've given up my precious margaritas for the time being as I'd prefer to not drink all my calories. I've also cut back on the alcohol as with me I've found I lose better, even if I did stay within my calories for the day
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Maybe I'm off base here, but perhaps the 'I'm a drinker' thinking is part of what needs to change to make a healthier you. I'm all about a beverage here and there, but if you are worrying about ways to keep drinking within calorie limits by lowering calories while still getting alcohol, it may be a sign of a problem.

    ... It's a shame that someone with such a cool avatar is so off-base with his response.

    People have been drinking alcohol longer than they've been drinking water (for obvious reasons *coughillnesscough*). However, it's a pretty integral part of culture, it HAS health benefits when used in moderation, etc. Even though there's the possibility of abuse with alcohol, there's just as much abuse possible with caffeine (also a drug) and, well, "bad" food.

    Would you accuse someone of a problem if they came on and said they were trying to change their coffee, fast food, or donut habits to something a little healthier, but didn't want to get rid of it? Because I bet you someone's going to get many more withdrawal symptoms from caffeine than alcohol (unless you're an alcoholic... which is offensive to assume of someone who mentions wanting to keep alcohol in their lifestyle).

    I hate the prohibitionist comments that come out whenever alcohol is involved. Many people like the taste of alcohol, not just the "feeling."
    Excellent response :-)

    DITTO :)
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    I didn't bother to read everyone's comments, so this might be a repeat:
    Crystal Lite has 'mixer' flavors now. Appletini is pretty good!
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    You should never mix food with alcohol - it just makes you sick!
    Stick to alcohol.......LOL
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Easy answer- quit drinking and remove your extra calories.

    I choose to drink too, and know a lot of people who do as well. It won't kill your progress, it just takes a little more work and some better planning

    *edit* I am by no way promoting the abstinance of alcohol :) let's just be clear here.
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    You should never mix food with alcohol - it just makes you sick!
    Stick to alcohol.......LOL

    Some posts just need a "like!" button!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    ^This..... I am a drinker... I must say that I have stopped drinking during the week. But on weekends, if I know I will be having a few, I usually make better food choices in the day, and extra workouts to accomodate... I drink Vodka, with low cal cranberry-pomegranate, diet gingerale, and zero calorie Red Bull.... a regular drink is less than 100 cals... I stay away from pre-mixed drinks...
    Edit... I do have the occasional glass of red wine during the week... :drinker:

    Ditto, except for the mixers. You'll find that, if you are serious about staying within your targets, over time you'll get a different attitude to a lot of things - from what foods you frequently eat, and eventually crave, to your attitiude to booze and indeed all drinks. For me now a drink of Tropicana would be a real treat because of how many calories vs a fresh whole orange. Now I might have a small glass of wine once during the working week and then more at weekends, but when I started I was trying to squeeze a bottle in every night.

    These changes won't happen overnight, but if you stick with it in about 6-12 months time I guarantee you will post that you've been abducted by aliens and replaced by a moderate drinker who craves vegetables after they've done their workout :noway:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    You can certainly drink in moderation and still lose weight. As everyone around here says, it's about the calorie deficit.
    But...pouring empty calories down your throat sure as heck starts you out at a disadvantage. Also, and I haven't seen this discussed here, anyone else ever eat way more than intended after they've had a drink or three?
    Drinking lessens inhibitions. Not exactly a diet aid, even with the alcohol calories removed from the picture.

    Decide on your priorities. The more serious you are about your health and weight loss, the less you'll drink.
  • yes, same boat, i don't drink often, but when i do, it'll be like 5 drinks. so it ALWAYS blows my day, especially since once you have some drinks, you say "ah **** it, those chips just look too damn good". please add me as a friend so we can do this together.
  • ChrissyMaez
    ChrissyMaez Posts: 117 Member
    Judge NOT people! That fact that you are here means that you are taking steps toward a healthier you. Bad habits come in all shapes and sizes: food, alcohol, drugs, excessive exercising!! You have the ability within yourself to find a healthy balance of all things you enjoy. If you enjoy drinking, there is no reason that you have to cut it out of your life completely as this could ultimately lead to your failure. There are ways to modify and several pals on here have given great ways on how to do that. I wish you the best of luck in finding the "Healthiest Life You Can Enjoy!"
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Judge NOT people! That fact that you are here means that you are taking steps toward a healthier you. Bad habits come in all shapes and sizes: food, alcohol, drugs, excessive exercising!! You have the ability within yourself to find a healthy balance of all things you enjoy. If you enjoy drinking, there is no reason that you have to cut it out of your life completely as this could ultimately lead to your failure. There are ways to modify and several pals on here have given great ways on how to do that. I wish you the best of luck in finding the "Healthiest Life You Can Enjoy!"

    Amen Sista!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    When my kids were little i never had alcohol in the house at all. I didn't want them to think you had to have it to have a good time. I got divorced and where else do you meet people to socialize with limited planning? Your local bar. I will admit I started out with low things like Zima. I had to "graduate" as it were to stronger drinks. I will admit at first it was almost an every day thing to meet people and just not be alone at home.
    Now, its a once a week thing and I still don't have it in the house. Drinking is some peoples' way of hospitality like some do by offering food as a gesture of good will. They know it relaxes you and eases tensions and for a shy person, brings out the more talkative side. Certain drinks can bring out different reactions though. Some can get mean with it,others, just get happy.
    If a person says "I don't drink" They haven't experienced the other side of things or maybe they have with a bad situation at home with an alcoholic parent or something of the like, or don't like the taste.
    Like I said, I had to graduate to find the drink that works for me. I found out that drinking releases tension allowing me to talk more freely and forget my cares for the moment. I can drink a few and walk away, some can't and that's when the problem starts.
    Everything in moderation as the bible says. Even Jesus turned the water into wine. Working the way I do, this is my only way to go relax after a long week and enjoy every minute of it. I drink Sambuca and water on the side or an occasional light beer with it. I really don't care for the taste of beer, but light is tolerable cause I like the carbonization to clear my mouth as it is a thick Italian liquor.
    Those days, I DO factor it in with my calories and enjoy it. We all go over in cals sometimes and aren't always good..its part of life .This to me, is a life time journey, having failed "diets" in the past, this is a refreshing way to learn control over food AND drink and still enjoy them.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Judge NOT people! That fact that you are here means that you are taking steps toward a healthier you. Bad habits come in all shapes and sizes: food, alcohol, drugs, excessive exercising!! You have the ability within yourself to find a healthy balance of all things you enjoy. If you enjoy drinking, there is no reason that you have to cut it out of your life completely as this could ultimately lead to your failure. There are ways to modify and several pals on here have given great ways on how to do that. I wish you the best of luck in finding the "Healthiest Life You Can Enjoy!"

    Actually, I'd say Judge Everyone people.
    Judging the actions of others, for good or bad, is how we define ourselves. I want to be like that one, and don't want to be like that other one. We all do it constantly. We can't help it.
    In fact, you just judged me for this statement...didn't you.

    "Yep, he's right on."
    "What an idiot."

    I do hereby "Judge" that drinking alcohol is an impediment to weight loss. Drinking alcohol to excess is an impediment to your health in a more serious and broader context.
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Judge NOT people! That fact that you are here means that you are taking steps toward a healthier you. Bad habits come in all shapes and sizes: food, alcohol, drugs, excessive exercising!! You have the ability within yourself to find a healthy balance of all things you enjoy. If you enjoy drinking, there is no reason that you have to cut it out of your life completely as this could ultimately lead to your failure. There are ways to modify and several pals on here have given great ways on how to do that. I wish you the best of luck in finding the "Healthiest Life You Can Enjoy!"

    ****!! - I have all those habits, I eat, drink, smoke and watch telly......
    Got my work cut out I guess.