you use the meal plan or not?

I'm going to start Insanity in a couple of days, but I don't think I will like the meal plan they have even with the substitutions. I'm thinking of figuring my calorie intake according to the Insanity book and simply counting my calories to that number each day on MFP...just using my own healthy foods instead of their menu. So those of you that have done the program, what do you think or how did you do it? Is it really going to make a difference if I use my menu vs. the one that comes with the cds?


  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Anyone? :)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I did P90x and stuck to the recommended protein/carb/fat but I made and cooked my own food. I Think using the diet as a guide is not a bad idea but you don't have to follow it to the letter to get results.
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Bump!! I'm curious too! I've been easing my way into Insanity, but not the meal plan.
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    Im only on day four of insanity, but i do not do the meal plan. and honestly have already started seeing a difference in my stomach..not a BIG one but different for me. I've never been good at following "meal plans" like that. I'd have to say do what you feel works for you. and if your not getting the results you want change it up again and like someone else stated maybe just use it as a guide. good luck hun :)
  • I am on week 8, haven't used the meal plan. Basically it was given to me with out the plan.. Hopefully I can find one someone and try it next time.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I'm interested in the Insanity work out too. Is anyone doing it? I want to know if it's worth it to buy it and exactly how hard it is. I've been running around 3 miles/day and strength training with 8 lb weights. I'm hoping I would be ready for it.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    I'm on my second round, I use the heart rate monitor to calculate calories burned and just eat the recommended calories from MFP. I always eat my exercise calories. I didn't pay any attention to food recommendations from insanity. You'll find every dvd burns a different amount of calories. I have continued to have a consistent loss of 2 lbs per week.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I am on week 8, haven't used the meal plan. Basically it was given to me with out the plan.. Hopefully I can find one someone and try it next time.

    How has it worked for you?
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I'm on Day 4 of my 2nd time doing Insanity. I did Insanity back in Feb-March. Shortly following that, I lost total motivation due to a lot of things happening in my life. (Not an excuse, it's just how it was.)

    That being said, the first time around I didn't use the actual meal plan, but I did add some of the Top Tier foods that they suggest. My boyfriend and I both tried a lot of food we haven't ever had due to looking at those foods. I wasn't closely tracking calories either. I didn't lose A LOT of weight, but I lost MANY MANY inches.

    This time around, I'm doing the same thing only actually tracking calories and paying attention to fat/protein as well.
  • I'm going to start Insanity in a couple of days, but I don't think I will like the meal plan they have even with the substitutions. I'm thinking of figuring my calorie intake according to the Insanity book and simply counting my calories to that number each day on MFP...just using my own healthy foods instead of their menu. So those of you that have done the program, what do you think or how did you do it? Is it really going to make a difference if I use my menu vs. the one that comes with the cds?

    I would definately use their diet as a guide. But I bet you'd be more successful if you made your own food and ate foods you liked. My boyfriend and I did insanity (I stopped after the first month) and we ate our own foods. He was very successful sticking to the program and their suggestions for calories/carbs/and protein.
  • I am on week 8, haven't used the meal plan. Basically it was given to me with out the plan.. Hopefully I can find one someone and try it next time.

    How has it worked for you?

    The first month was awesome, and then I slacked BAD. So this month has been a shame. I plan on postin when I am done :)
    If you stick to your calories and eat healthy you should be golden.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I am on week 8, haven't used the meal plan. Basically it was given to me with out the plan.. Hopefully I can find one someone and try it next time.

    How has it worked for you?

    The first month was awesome, and then I slacked BAD. So this month has been a shame. I plan on postin when I am done :)
    If you stick to your calories and eat healthy you should be golden.

    Awesome! Def post pics, I'd love to see actual results!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I downloaded the workouts, the meal plan and the calendar off of for free. And, the workout is awesome!
  • wloukurtz
    wloukurtz Posts: 14 Member
    I am starting my recovery week tomorrow of Insanity--->week 5! The first month I wasn't following the elite nutrition guide that they provided. Overall my nutrition needs improvement. I feel my results haven't been that great so far, so this next month I'm really going to buckle down and try to eat clean. I've also purchased Shakeology because I've heard so many good things so hopefully this will help as well.
    So using the elite nutrition as a guide is probably good...I guess I'll find out as well.
  • Swanz21
    Swanz21 Posts: 42 Member
    I am starting insanity on 10/22. The meals look reasonable with good food substitutes for picky eaters like me. I plan to use the nutrition plan and dig deep for these workouts. Anyone else starting around this time frame add me for support and stories.
  • sjsieglaff
    sjsieglaff Posts: 7 Member
    I just started Insanity, but missed a few days already due to being sick. But I plan on getting back at it- hopefully tomorrow. I am not sure about how the nutrition guide works with Insanity. But I did P90X (half assed) ate healthy and did not follow their nutrition guide. I lost 80 pounds doing that after having my first child in 2008. Now after baby number 2, its a lot harder to lose weight. So I decided to shoot for the big guns! Hopefully we both get some great results.
  • I did Insanity about a year and a half ago. I did not follow the meal plan, but I still lost weight, was in great shape and for me, the best part was that it really challenged me to do things I never thought I could. And it translated into other areas of my life, too. I can't fully explain it, but it made me feel more confident in general. Definitely worth it!

    I'm now into my third round of P90X. (I LOVE Tony Horton!!!)
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I'm vegan, so the Insanity meal plan isn't realistic for me. I track calories within MFP and have been doing just fine.
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    I am on week 8, haven't used the meal plan. Basically it was given to me with out the plan.. Hopefully I can find one someone and try it next time.

    Did it still work for you?
  • tp51
    tp51 Posts: 1
    If you did not use the Insanity meal plan then what plan did you use and did it work. Do you think the south beach diet plan will work?