How long on the elliptical?



  • I do 30 minutes. It works up a sweat FAST but I prefer it way more than the treadmill. 1000x more.

    I completely agree! I do about 30 minutes as well, but I have worked up to that point. I didn't start off doing it for that long! Just keep doing it, little by little, adding a minute or two here and there. Don't forget to celebrate every little accomplishment (but not with food or sweets…that's what I sometimes do. Bad bad bad habit)! :)
    ROCKNMIMI Posts: 36 Member
    I just purchased an elliptical also. It does take baby steps. The first night I did 6 minutes, the second night I did 11 minutes, last night which was the thrid night I did 15 minutes. I am hoping to get over 20 minutes tonight. I have always been afraid to use this machine in the gym for fear of flying off. If is a much better workout in the comfort of your on home. Keep At It!!
  • vicki77433
    vicki77433 Posts: 4 Member
    I usually do an hour on the elliptical, but sometimes only 30 minutes. I actually prefer the treadmill, but my darn feet give me too much trouble when I run.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    0 minutes. Walk. And get into a strength training program ASAP.
  • sofia10811
    sofia10811 Posts: 23 Member
    When I first tried the elliptical (gym quality) I lasted about 5 mins. Now I can do an hour easily. I usually do 45 mins because of time constraints. Non gym quality ellipticals are much harder, I think. My mom has one and it's wobbly and I end up getting frustrated after about 5 mins on it.
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    When I started on the elliptical I could only go for 2 minutes. It kicked my butt. Now I can go for 30 minutes. I could go for longer but my toes go to sleep from my feet being in the same position for so long. I would much rather do the elliptical than the treadmill but I do both (alternating every other week or two) just to give some variety to my workout. If anyone has any tips on how to keep my feet from toes from going to sleep, I am open to them. (Yes, I have on properly fitted shoes, so I know that's not the problem.)

    Good luck and don't give up! To expect too much of yourself too soon. You'll get there.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    When I first started, 10-15 minutes was my max, I easily do 35-45 now. I've changed from doing steady state for 45 minutes to 20-30 minutes of HIIT, much better of a workout, but probably something you'll need to work up to if your just starting out, good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The elliptical is just like running. So I would start at around 5 minutes, do that for a few days until it's easier, then go up to 8 minutes. And so on. It will get easier, just keep at it. The elliptical is a great way to burn calories!

    I'm sorry, I just had to respond to this one. As a runner, this actually offends me a little...the elliptical is NOT just like running! And I use the elliptical too so I really do know what I'm talking about here. I know a lot of people use this comparison but the two have nothing to do with each other - the one main difference being that the elliptical has no impact whatsoever and another being that it's nowhere near the same movement so your body reactis in a totally different way.

    Back on topic, OP, yes, you can work up to being able to be on the machine longer. Definitely!! Just keep at it! And play around with the controls a little. I know a lot of folks like to just go fast but I feel like I get a much better workout (and burn) if I slow down a little and up the resistance.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Started with about 30 minutes and was soon up to an hour on interval training setting but I had already cycled for almost a year beforehand. I have managed two hours on it but felt a little unwell after that long so generally stick to 60 to 90 minutes now. Only used the machines at a gym however.
  • I never thought getting good at the elliptical was useful for the real world until I saw an elliptical bike. That guy was just zipping down the bike path. I so want to try one of those.

    But back to the OP's question: When I first started working out 30 minutes was TOUGH. When it became easier with more and more resistance, I found different activities that got my heart rate up like biking, running and swimming. Remember that the elliptical is only cardio. Try some strength training out too - you will like the results :-)
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    30 minutes, and it's hard. And afterwards, I want to die a little. In a good way :wink:
  • Timmyttt418
    Timmyttt418 Posts: 103 Member
    I do a minimum of 50 minutes, but most days I do at least 60 minutes 6 or 7 days a week. I usually use my phone or Ipod for music to make the hour fly by.
  • DeannaPaige1
    DeannaPaige1 Posts: 84 Member
    In the beginning, I couldn't do more than a few months..I finally worked myself up to 28 minutes. I now stay away from that machine because I hurt my knee. My mother who is an RN..and her new husband that is a Doctor told me the elliptical is not the best machine because it's a repetitive bending of the knee joints..and eventually will get soar. I stayed away from it for a little over a month and tried to get on it yesterday..within 8 minutes I had pain. If I were you I wouldn't go crazy on that machine. Maybe 20 minutes a day. ( I was also doing 28 in the am, and 28 at night..I really over worked my joint )

  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    When I first started using one I thought I was going to die after 5 minutes. I went back to the treadmill because at the time it was easier. I can now do 30 minutes on the elliptical with no problems.
  • at first I hated the elliptical, I thought it was boring, hard to maintain the balance and so on. It takes practice and consistency to achieve your accomplishment. Now i can stay on that thing for as long as I want, without holding on to it. I used to watch Biggest Loser, and Jillian's words are always in my head, "get your hands off the machine". It allows me to use my core for the balance....awesome machine. I prefer the elliptical over a dreadmill....I also found a CD at Wal-Mart, Shape Magazine, cardio workout #3. I stay to the beat and do the whole entire cd, non-stop. great workout.
    Good Luck and DON"T give up......:happy:
  • I can do 75 min or more on the ellptical, but it was doing nothing for changing my body. Now cardio is good, but weights are better! I am finally getting this after being a cardio bunny all these years.
  • joleneplus3
    joleneplus3 Posts: 3 Member
    I love our elliptical! VERY hard at first but now I love it and use it everyday!
  • joleneplus3
    joleneplus3 Posts: 3 Member
    I think ellipticals are harder when they're not gym grade. My boyfriend and I bought and elliptical...and it wasn't was like $1200. I couldn't go longer than 7 minutes on it and my legs would be so sore that it made me not want to use it. Now, I use the elliptical at the gym and I have gone up to an hour on it. I think it just depends on the kind.

    Completely agree! We bought one in March 2012 and spent over $2000. We did our research and none of the box store brands compared to the professional ones. We ended up buying from a fitness supply company and it is fantastic!!! We live in a small rural community with no gym close by so having quality equipment at home was a must.
  • I couldnt do 8 min the first time, then hit 10-12-15-18-20. Now I do 40 minutes-5 days a week. Most days doin HIIT 10 min warm up, 20 min of 1 min hard as I can go, 1 min relaxed repeat, 10 min cool down. It certainly works. Keep at it!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    ~ A few years ago I got on an elliptical machine and did 10 min ... thought I was going to die !

    ~ Today ... I am a fitness fanatic and up until three months ago, I never attempted this machine again ... well to my surprise, I found out I love it !!!!! Currently I do 60 min on a day I have to be some where ... I love doing 90 min ... and sometimes I have to make myself get off ! I use all the different levels ... fave is " random with hills " ...

    I never in a million years thought I would enjoy this machine ... but seriously ... I LOVE IT !

    Just start out slow and work yourself up to whatever you enjoy doing ! The benefits are incredible ... not that a treadmill can't be a healthy choice ... any movement is a better choice than doing nothing ... but the elliptical takes you to the next level ! The workout on your legs is amazing and well the muscles in my *kitten*, Hmmmmm ... yeah AMAZING !


    This is good advice. I could do less than five minutes the first time I tried it. Was probably more like two. So I avoided it for months. Then I tried it again. Ten minutes went by and I finally had the hang of the motion (before it felt weird, like walking backwards). I've only been on it a few times since and I'm already up to fifteen or twenty minutes. I do a mile or so on it. I think I could do a bit more, though, and I like it better than the treadmill now.