Bowflex Treadclimber

Have any of you used or own the Bowflex Treadclimber? What are the pro's and con's about the machine and the workout that you can get?


  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been wondering about that machine also; can't wait to see what people think!
  • emmagreenie
    I have used a treadclimber and I wasn't a huge fan of it. I don't own the machine, I just tried it at a relative's house, but after walking on it for about 15 minutes I was convinced that I wouldn't really like to get my workout on a treadclimber every day. I think mostly just because it was really awkward to use. Perhaps if I had given it more time then my balance would improve, but as it is I was unable to walk on it without holding on to the handles. I am not an extremely tall person (about 5' 6") but even for me, the "treadles" seemed too short. That combined with the lack of balance just made my experience really awkward. I also don't really like the fact that you are unable to get a workout by running on it. I wish there was a way to set it so that the treadles could remain still and the speed could increase so that you could incorporate a greater variety into your workout routine. If it were able to do that, I would probably consider the treadclimber more seriously. Since my experience, I have watched a youtube video comparing the treadclimber to an incline trainer ( and found the review to be similar to my experience on the bowflex! Hope this helps in some way!
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    I have used a treadclimber and I wasn't a huge fan of it. I don't own the machine, I just tried it at a relative's house, but after walking on it for about 15 minutes I was convinced that I wouldn't really like to get my workout on a treadclimber every day. I think mostly just because it was really awkward to use. Perhaps if I had given it more time then my balance would improve, but as it is I was unable to walk on it without holding on to the handles. I am not an extremely tall person (about 5' 6") but even for me, the "treadles" seemed too short. That combined with the lack of balance just made my experience really awkward. I also don't really like the fact that you are unable to get a workout by running on it. I wish there was a way to set it so that the treadles could remain still and the speed could increase so that you could incorporate a greater variety into your workout routine. If it were able to do that, I would probably consider the treadclimber more seriously. Since my experience, I have watched a youtube video comparing the treadclimber to an incline trainer ( and found the review to be similar to my experience on the bowflex! Hope this helps in some way!

    Emma thanks for your input this was very helpful
  • emmagreenie
    You are welcome! I hope that others who actually own a treadclimber are able to leave reviews for you as well, as I know a lot of people really like them! I just decided that it wasn't for me. I believe that the model I used was the TC10 (the mid priced option), but the TC20 would probably be better, because the tread belts on that one are a little longer, so especially for tall people, that would be the better option. I think I just have a fairly long stride for my size, which is why I was uncomfortable on the one that I tried. I would definitely recommend trying one in person before you buy it though! They are so different from other exercise equipment that there really isn't any way to compare them to anything else without getting on one yourself!
  • lawre028
    lawre028 Posts: 40 Member
    I have one and I love it! mine is the TC5000. You can lock the trendles and use it like a treadmill, or unlock it use it as a stepper at your own speed. or turn the speed to where you are comfortable and use it as a treadclimber. sort of eliptical. Warning though. The workout on the Treadclimber is much more than you get with the treadmill. The same speed on the treadmill will put your a** on the floor on the treadclimber, unless you work up to it. I have really used mine quite a bit. BUT, it did take getting used to. The trendles are separate so its not a traditional treadmill even when locked. Hope this helps.
  • BlueJess7
    BlueJess7 Posts: 23 Member
    I own a treadclimber and I love it! I find it does everything I need it to do and doesn't kill my knees because it's very low impact. The model that I have which I can't remember right now, does have a setting where both treddles stay still and you can just walk or jog on it. Also you can use it as a stepper if you want, I find the resistance to be a little too much for me so I don't use this option. I love that you can change the incline. I love that it burns more calories than walking on a flat surface does. The feel of the treddles is softer than walking on concrete or pavement so I don't need particularly expensive sneakers to use the treadclimber (I think this applies to regular treadmills but I'm not sure I've never owned one myself). Over all I found it was a great investment 3 years ago and I wouldn't change it. On the flip side I will tell you that my husband doesn't like the treadclimber at all. I'm 5 feet he's 5"11 and he feels the treddles are not long enough for his stride. He also doesn't like that he can't run on it. You really can't run on it because it doesn't go fast enough but it does go fast enough for me to jog on. Soooooo, I hope this helps you decide whether it's right for you or not.
  • iis86
    iis86 Posts: 2
    I just bought one and I am on day 3 with it. I used to go to the gym 5 days a week and use the elliptical machine. The Boxflex is a great workout and I am soaked when I am done. Its easy to use (my wife also uses it)