100 lbs by Christmass, is it possible.



  • Laurajoysalter
    Laurajoysalter Posts: 1 Member
    2. Drink diet soda
    That's a joke, right?

    Not really.

    " Most people drink diet soda in an effort to take in fewer calories, to help keep their weight down or take some off.

    But a recent study shows drinking it could have unexpected consequences - namely, the OPPOSITE of what consumers intended.

    The study, which was cited in EatingWell magazine, was done at the University of Texas. It showed that people who drank two or more diet sodas daily had a six-times-greater increase in waist circumference at the end of the 10-year study span those who didn't drink diet soda at all."

    correlation is not causality. the relationship probably lies between people that make healthy choices and people who do not; choices that do not only revolve around calories, but all chemicals and ingredients that one shouldnt ingest. also, people that drink diet soda probably do so because they are already over weight. the soda itself will never cause one to gain weight. it will cause you to retain more water. it will not supplement water or make it appropriate to eat fatty food. misconceptions lead people to put too little and too much faith into such things.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The only diet soda I like is Tab, so they still make that?

    They sure do. Haven't you seen The Sarah Silverman Show?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    The only diet soda I like is Tab, so they still make that?

    They sure do. Haven't you seen The Sarah Silverman Show?

    Is she some sort of fitness instructor? Can I buy her DVD's someplace?

    Thank you,