Emeals - Paleo

guwisti Posts: 171 Member
Did anyone notice that Emeals has finally added a Paleo plan? I've subscribed to emeals off an on for over 3 years now. Sometimes I use it religiously and then I lapse. Just switched over today to the Paleo and will see how that goes. In the evenings somtimes...most of the time...i don't have the motivation to cook, so just grab whatever i can and my husband grabs whatever he can. Anyone else on the new Paleo plan on there.


  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I've never wanted to pay for emeals in the past. Is it worth it?

    Why not just google Paleo recipes based on your ingredients on hand, or use thefoodie.com or chowstalker which are free?
  • guwisti
    guwisti Posts: 171 Member
    They make it super simple because they send you the recipes plus shopping list each week. I find myself not wasting food in the fridge when I use it. Plus, not having to think about what's for dinner is very freeing. :D The times we have gotten away from it have been when there have just been too many active evenings for us, otherwise it's worked out very well.
  • guwisti
    guwisti Posts: 171 Member
    Oh and it does seem to save money on grocery bills too. It's just me and my husband, we're on the family plan but then that gives us leftovers the next day. Not trying to sound like a commercial for them or anything.

    Just curious if anyone else has switched over the Paleo plan from something else?
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Sorry to dredge up an old topic, but I just picked up an emeals - paleo subscription. I'm positively giddy over it but am still learning how it fits in our lives.

    It's just me and my husband, and he's the one on the Paleo diet but I'm the cook (we're working on that). He's rather unimaginative when it comes to his dinners, but gets easily bored. I like variety but never learned to cook responsibly for just 1-2 people. We both have a habit of buying "good intentions" (vegetables) at the grocery store and letting them rot in the fridge. A friend was having luck with the "clean eating" plan, so I figured I'd give it a whirl - "clean eating" is more my pace, but my husband's food allergies are more along the lines of Paleo. Really glad and happy I did. The picky eater is trying new things, I'm learning how to cook and shop for just two people, and we're actually using and eating our veggies. We're also actually eating more similarly, instead of leading alienating, parallel diet-lives.

    I was just wondering about portions - I'm finding that even when I don't double the recipe (ever try to buy half a pound of flank steak after the butcher has left for the day?), we're coming up with 3-4 servings per recipe, rather than the 1-2. It's just too filling. Anybody else have that issue? It's not so much a problem for me, since I love taking the extra serving as lunch, but my Husband is having issues getting all his calories in (3000-3500 a day). We're working through it, but I was wondering if anybody else had a similar issue.

    On picky eaters and busy nights: we solved both with one idea: I cook what I have time for on the days I can (two, sometimes three meals a night). I eat the seafood dishes first, he eats the chicken first (though we both have to eat just one bite of every meal, since we both want to get over our pickiness), and we always have leftovers in the fridge on busy nights from the nights when I have time to cook two or three dishes. Sure things are better fresh cooked, but it keeps me from having to subtract anything from the nicely organized lists or plan something else.

    I also noticed on some other threads that people on 1-2 person plan were spending ~$75... Anybody have an average for just the paleo plan? I spend ~150/wk, but that's including the breakfast plan and some other things my husband eats.
  • mlejcbs
    mlejcbs Posts: 1 Member
    I have also used emeals off and on for a few years. I am so happy that they have a paleo plan now! This is my first week but I have loved the meals. I spent about $150 at the store and we are on the family plan. I think that this will drop significantly in the summer months because we have joined a local organic farmers co-op. I also find that the more concrete plan, which I know I COULD make myself but have never seemed to do, not only makes sure that we have everything we need to make every meal. I am also much more likely to use everything that I buy. The money I spend for emeals is worth every penny when it keeps me from resorting to carry out, or wasting food in my fridge. I don't typically make the meals in order, but I will have the crockpot meal (there seems to usually be one) on a day when I know we will be busy around dinner time. I also try to look ahead and see which meals require the most prep work and I may do some of that ahead of time if possible.