CLOSED GROUP: 11 People. 5 Pounds. 1 Month. [Oct. Challenge]



  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    In the spirit of getting to know each other, I wondered what your exercise of choice is?

    Because of time/child care restrictions I do all my exercise at home using DVDs. At the moment I'm doing a mish-mash of all my favourites:
    3 days a week of cardio: I rotate Tae Bo, various P90x workouts, and Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred,
    and 3 days of strength: currently ChaLean Extreme. I'm also following a programme to get good at pull-ups, but it's slow progress!

    What do you guys do? I'm always looking for new ideas!
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    not a gym rat, so I do dvd's in the morning. 30DS, RI30, several biggest losers, yoga. Sat mornings, I tough it out and go to the gym. I do a little on the treadmill and then do the 30 mins cardio room. I wish the gym had classes, but I prolly wouldn't be able to make them due to kiddos.
  • ab958
    ab958 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning everyone! New week, new chance. So I know weighing yourself every day isn't good but it's a bad habit I'm trying to break. Turns out what I quoted as my start weight was incorrect (the scales weren't properly flat on the ground). It should actually have been higher, closer to 230lb. On the up side, after not weighing myself all weekend my weigh in for this week:
    Start weight: 230lb
    Current weight: 226lb
    Goal weight: 215lb

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Start Weight - 167
    Current Weight - 165
    Goal Weight - 160

    I did NOT do great eating over the weekend but I must have walked and cycled enough to make up for it with the 2 lb loss.

    As for my exercise of choice - I have not ever had a gym membership, I do not like to feel like I'm working out AT ALL. I am a horse trainer so I have to ride between 3 and 6 horses on any given day, plus barn chores on occasion. My days can be really long - 12 + hours. I have to be a little careful not to overdo it with additional exercise if I'm going to have a big riding day (it really affects my riding if I'm very sore, but a little is ok)

    So I am a runner/walker - love to be outside, but recently we have purchased a "Big Dummy" Bicycle, which is like a pickup truck in a bike LOL, so I will actually be able to bike to the barn (carry my gear) and the store for a light grocery shop. We rode about 7-8 miles yesterday, it was really fun.

    I used to take a hot yoga class every week, and need to pick that back up again.

    What does everyone have planned for this week?
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Good morning team! This week was not as successful as I had hoped, but at least the number moved in the right direction. I was doing well until the weekend. On Friday I went out with coworkers to dinner and did terribly. On Saturday I took the law school entrance exam that I had been studying for since April... then I celebrated! Lol.

    I plan to have an amazing week this week to make up for my setback!

    Starting: 136
    Current: 135.8
    Goal: 131

    My favorite workout is definitely zumba. I take classes on most days. I also like 30DS a lot. I managed to lose my hand weights during my move, but will start 30DS again once I get some new ones.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    The first weigh in!

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 133.5
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 131.5
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 129.5

    Weigh in dates:
    9/28 - 133.5
    10/5 - 131.5

    Very pleased to have lost 2 pounds in the first week of this challenge. I hadn't lost anything in the previous 4 weeks!
    My weigh-in was on Friday and I fear I may have enjoyed myself a bit too much since then and undone my hard work! I'm back on the straight and narrow today so we'll see.
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 156

    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 156

    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 151

    Weigh in Dates:
    9/30 - 156
    10/8 - 155
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    Once again my weekend was a wreck. Salty food landslide. I am starting fresh again. I will conquer my weekends!
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 141.8
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 141.2
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136
    Weigh in Dates:
    10/1 - 141.8
    Did get measured on Saturday. On their scale, I lost 2 lbs. ½ in of waist & bust. The rest stayed the same. I am happy to see changes.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Good Morning Ladies Unfortunately i gained 1 pound i guess the reason being i ate like crazy on sat n sun.
    I was very good untill friday worked out like good will fight back this week

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 142
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 143
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136

    Weigh in Dates:
    9/30 - 142
    10/8 - 143
    10/13 -
    10/31 -
    Congratulations to each and everyone who lost this week. We cna do this.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Great lost to those that have a lose. I got weighed at the doc and it said 187 so that means I gained. That is unfortunate, but I know am doing well. I just started crossfit a couple weeks back so I might be gaining muscle. My body has been changing a lot. i should have done measurements. I have am liking what I am seeing so far. I didn't do the best with food this past weekend. I went out a lot and drank some alcohol which is never good and leads to snacking. This week I am trying to do better. Yesterday was a rest day. I hate not having extra calories to eat back. I go WAAAYYYYY over when I don't work out.

    Well, I hope everyone is having a great day. I will try and check in more regularly. I was super busy last week and only used my phone.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hey team! I am going to have to do my weigh in tomorrow because I was running really late to work this morning. Hope you all had great losses!
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    This weekend wasn't too bad for food. Still had a bunch of salty/fast food due to timing and such. I do get the salad instead of the fries, so that helps a bit. well, let me re-phrase that. I eat what's left of my salad after my 3 yr old steals my tomatoes and a few bites of everything else. lol

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 141.8
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 139.6
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136
    Weigh in Dates:
    10/1 - 141.8
  • ab958
    ab958 Posts: 14 Member
    This week was all going soo well. Then the weekend happened -_- Kinda too scared to weigh myself this morning so gonna try and have a good day today and then weigh in tomorrow!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Hello Ladies Again this week didn't gain or loose. So very disappointed with myself. My TOM started yesterday which makes me eat more crazy sweet food. Will try to avoid it

    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 142
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 143
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 136

    Weigh in Dates:
    9/30 - 142
    10/8 - 143
    10/13 - 143
    10/31 -
    Congratulations to each and everyone who lost this week. I hope i can loose like you gals.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    OMG, I am so very sad to announce that I not only didn't lose this week, but I am UP 2 pounds. Granted, this wasn't the best weekend but I had hoped to at least break event. Onward and upward as they say.

    Starting: 136
    Current: 138 :-/
    Goal: 131 ...amended to 133

    I WILL do this. Watch me! =)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 167

    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 160

    Weigh in Dates:
    10/1 - 167
    10/8 - 165
    10/15 - 166.6

    BOOOO - but its my TOM so I'm sure that's why I'm up a bit, I had been down 1/2 a pound mid week.
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    STARTING WEIGHT (October): 133.5
    CURRENT WEIGHT (October): 131.5
    GOAL WEIGHT (October): 129.5

    Weigh in dates:
    9/28 - 133.5
    10/5 - 131.5
    10/12 - 132.5

    That wasn't supposed to happen! :-(
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I haven't had a chance to weigh myself. I hope I will get to do it tomorrow morning when I got to the gym. I have had a big sweet tooth the past few days, so I don't really see the scale being from friend. I have kept up with working out, but have taken more rest days then I normally do. So, we shall see. Everyone keep pushing and working hard. Have a great day!!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I managed to lose a pound this week, however this does not yet make up for the gain of 2 lbs last week. Onward and upward!
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I think I had a pretty good eating weekend. Don't feel like I went nuts like I have done in the past. Unfortunately I gained a bit. Spent the end of last week/wkend @ 140. This morning it said 141.6. Just going back and forth with the same few pounds. Trying really hard to not get discouraged. I am still fighting and will continue. It is just wearing on me. Been doing this since July.

    I think that I will have to start this challenge again next month.