Any Vegans?

Jeckersaw Posts: 10 Member
Just wondering if there are any other vegans on this site. Please introduce yourself if you are! Thanks.


  • Yes! I became vegan about 4 months ago. I am positively loving it! I did it for ethical reasons and I was hoping to get a bit of easy weight loss out of it. Unfortunately, I didn't lose any weight-- I think the only way I can lose weight is to count calories.
  • veggiekatie
    veggiekatie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm vegan and i have been for about a year. I do it because I love my endothelium cells :)
  • Jeckersaw
    Jeckersaw Posts: 10 Member
    Yes! I became vegan about 4 months ago. I am positively loving it! I did it for ethical reasons and I was hoping to get a bit of easy weight loss out of it. Unfortunately, I didn't lose any weight-- I think the only way I can lose weight is to count calories.

    I didn't drop an ounce, either, when I went from lacto-ova vegetarian to vegan, but I am very glad I did it. I did it for compassionate reasons, too. I've been a vegan for almost 8 years.
  • Vegan here and I'm always looking for Vegan/Friends.. Feel free to add me :)
  • wloukurtz
    wloukurtz Posts: 14 Member
    Almost vegan....I only need to eliminate cheese (oh but I love it so much!). I've been a vegetarian for 2 years now and initially lost weight but now transitioning into being vegan.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am almost vegan.... most of the time 100% but every once in a while if we eat out I will get a veggie burger or something that is not vegan. I started in March, and have lost 99 pounds so far and feel better than I have in YEARS!
  • I have been vegan for 5 months - gained 10 pounds initially! now with MFP I am slowly taking it off. Glad it went th eother way for you.
  • I would love a fellow veganite on my side! Please add me if interested
  • I miss cheese as if it were my best friend, that and ice cream. I had a vegan pizza at a restaurant with daiya cheese - no soy - no dairy - very deilicious. I haven't used it in my cooking yet.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I am and decided to do it for many reasons, ethical, health, economic, conservation. I was losing weight until I got sick and was still eating vegan, but eating crap. Finally better so I've been cooking and getting back to exercising.
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    So funny! I was going to post something similar today!
    For compassion reasons I got rid of meat from my diet a few months back --- I do have fish occassionally - so I guess that makes me pescatarian. I want to get rid of dairy/eggs too -- little resistant to give up my cheese and yogurt though. But I can't morally justify eating them. Looking for new receipes and products suitable for veg lifestyle. Beyond that I need to lose a ton of weight -- so need to watch calories of course.
    I have a mild soy allergy and because of PCOS my Doc recommended not to eat too much soy. Also know for me carbs are rough -- I can binge on pasta like no body's business.
    Glad to see other ppl with similar eating issues~
  • maryjean123
    maryjean123 Posts: 5 Member
    For health and ethical reasons I became a vegan three months ago, Initially I was losing 2lb a week but that tailed off and that is why I have come back to MFP, It was when my doctor told me my blood pressure was too high and I would have to start taking medication gave me the impetus to move to a vegan diet. It worked and when I had a 24 hr monitoring day my blood pressure was normal.. I am hoping I will have the same result with my cholesterol and type 2 diabetes when I am retested in December.

    Please include me as it can feel very lonely when you are the only vegan in your group of friends.
  • I was vegetarian for 4 years and now vegan for 1 year & counting :) my mother was with a guy who was a farmer/butcher & i saw what was going on at a very young age. i also watched videos on the internet about it.unfortunately im not fully vegan though. I just follow the diet of a vegan. I most likely still use products that have been tested on animals, :/ or own something with wool/leather.. etc.. I havent lost any weight from becoming vegan, in fact I probably gained. but then again I was just probably still growing cuz im young and all..