30DS what weights?

Hi guys
I am on day 3 of 30DS but I only have 1kilo hand weights so have been using 2 litre bottles of water for some exercises!! I am about to buy some heavier weights but interested to know how heavy are the weights everyone else is using??


  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I use 2 tins of Heinz soup haha randomly I found chicken to be a little heavier than tomato.
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    Awesome!! :happy:
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I keep stopping and going back to the program, I like it, it's great. I use free weights, from 5 to 15 or 20 pounds. For jumping jacks or running in place no weights as I find it not very comfortable:)
  • I started out with water bottles too, 1,5 litre ones. :laugh:
    Then I got weights, at first 3,3 lb ones and when they got to light I went to 6.6 lb ones and recently I got 11 lb weights.
    I am not yet able to do all the exercises with the 11 lb ones yet, for some I go back to the 6.6 ones.
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    11lb wow! Well done!
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    I started out using 2.5 but eventually have worked my way up to 8lb weights. Still need the lighter ones for some of the more difficult moves but in general now I'm using 8 - 9lb weights. I'm hoping to work my way up to 20lb hand weights.
  • Nimiko
    Nimiko Posts: 52
    I just did my 4th day and I now go back and forth between 3 and 5 pound weights. :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: i use 4lb weight but start with what you are comfy with so it pushes you a little then work your way up!
  • supersmiles11
    supersmiles11 Posts: 50 Member
    I've been using ambrosia custard tins! :-)
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I use 4kg weights..not sure what that is in pounds?
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I'm not sure what the conversion is but I used 3lb weights at first and then when I felt myself getting stronger I switched to 5lb. I'm doing Ripped in 30 now and I use 5lb weights for that.
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    I need to get me some big weights!!:laugh:
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    I use 5, 8, 10 and 15, depending on the exercise.
  • nikteazer2
    nikteazer2 Posts: 42 Member
    I use 4kg weights..not sure what that is in pounds?

    Nice! That's almost 9 lbs :smile:
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I use bottles of laundry detergent :) They're like 5 lbs each.
  • I use 5lb weights and they make my arms and shoulders on fire! But it's a good burn:)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I used 5 lb weights almost the entire time. They were too heavy at first when doing the side lunge with anterior raises, but after the first week, I forced myself to use them anyway. As Jillian says, the more stress you put on your muscles, the faster they'll change. Worked for me.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    I started out with 3lb weights, thenmoved to five, and now Im using 8lbs. But I still use 5 for the anterior raises and side lunges. That move still gets me.lol
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am using a cordless drill and a caulking gun with a nearly full tube of caulk. :laugh:

    The drill is just over 5 pounds and the caulking gun is just under, so I switch them back and forth between sets. I started off with peanut butter jars, then went for canned goods, but those are way too light for me.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I use 4kg weights..not sure what that is in pounds?

    Nice! That's almost 9 lbs :smile:

    Thanks, it IS hard though but been doing it a while..the front ones kill but I like feeling dead at the end of itb:laugh: