Discouraged and Frustrated



  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    All I can tell you is that it will be slow and it is normal.I have been at it for nine months walking 5x's a week and completely changed my lifestyle starting by only drinking water.You CAN do this in a healthy manner.I've lost weight before with diets and pills only to suffer it's side affects (hair loss and anemia) and then gained back the weight lost PLUS 30 lbs.TRUST me it will take a while but the benefits of how your body will feel is like nothing else doll!Do not give up, why choose to quit or fail when success is an option? Best of luck! xo
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I think your 19.4 pounds in two months is awesome, too. I wish!
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    There is no "quick fix" for weight loss. You are doing great!! How long did it take you to reach your highest weight? It's not going to all come off in 8 weeks. 1-2 pounds per week steady loss is the best you can do. If you lost 2 pounds per week for a year, you would lose 104 pounds!!! Not sure if you have that much to lose, but isn't worth a shot? In 10 months, do you want to look and feel the best you ever have, or do you want to give up and then regret your decision? It is all up to you!!
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    why do people that lose super fast are always complaining that it's not fast enough? :indifferent:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I understand your frustration.

    For me, losing weight is hard because it requires so much concentration and effort for so long that it seems like the payoff is so much less than the effort put into the thing.

    That being said, you just have to suck it up and keep on keeping on. It's hard, it sucks, but it gets easier.
  • mlb567
    mlb567 Posts: 19 Member
    Be mindful as well that it isn't that your clothes are fitting the same... they probably look A LOT better on you.
    I can shove myself into a pair of jeans and get them done up, but it still feels like I am being cut in half :laugh:
    But if I lose 10 pounds and I can slip them on and they fit comfortably that is two different things.

    Just KEEP GOING! :flowerforyou:
  • scarletgenesis
    I started working with a personal trainer 2 months ago. In that 2 months I have lost 19.4 pounds.

    ......doing it the hard way and not getting anywhere.

    Reread that first sentence. Read it again and again. Now, take that last sentence out of your vocabulary. Because you are obviously getting somewhere. Stop being self-defeatist and be proud of what you have accomplished. You don't need to measure yourself against anyone else (especially if it's a fake facebook post). Keep going and have the expectation to do the best that YOU can do, not what anyone else can do.

    If I lost/lose almost 20lbs in 2 months, I would be beyond thrilled! You're doing fine!
  • jilllemar
    Wow, thank you everyone for the support. I did have a knee jerk moment of jealousy. I guess I just can't see the 20 lbs difference (it is officially 20.5 now :) and keep thinking that I am making it up or its a fluke or something. And when I saw the post all I thought was that I must not be working hard enough and am making excuses and should be losing more. I was expecting biggest loser type of weight loss. Wow, I really am a moron :)

    I do feel great, the best I've felt in at least a decade. I finally feel like I am in control again.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for the support. I did have a knee jerk moment of jealousy. I guess I just can't see the 20 lbs difference (it is officially 20.5 now :) and keep thinking that I am making it up or its a fluke or something. And when I saw the post all I thought was that I must not be working hard enough and am making excuses and should be losing more. I was expecting biggest loser type of weight loss. Wow, I really am a moron :)

    I do feel great, the best I've felt in at least a decade. I finally feel like I am in control again.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! But you're not a moron-not at all. We ALL have these moments of doubt and frustration along the way, and we'll probably all have a few more. The human condition. ;)
  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    The BEST advice! so so so true! Do not compare yourself to anyone!!! love it! ;]
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    Just remember...it will not happen overnight. It has taken you "X" amount of years to get those pounds on....it's going to take time to shed them. You are in a better place than you were 2 months ago. Good Job!!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Something to remember too, is that working out will build muscle, which is heavier than fat (it just looks better and takes up a LOT less space). I've lost 30 pounds of fat and added 10 pounds of muscle. So the total weight loss is only 20 pounds...but I feel and look a whole lot better!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Wow, thank you everyone for the support. I did have a knee jerk moment of jealousy. I guess I just can't see the 20 lbs difference (it is officially 20.5 now :) and keep thinking that I am making it up or its a fluke or something. And when I saw the post all I thought was that I must not be working hard enough and am making excuses and should be losing more. I was expecting biggest loser type of weight loss. Wow, I really am a moron :)

    I do feel great, the best I've felt in at least a decade. I finally feel like I am in control again.

    You're doing fantastic!! Also it is hard for some people to see their own losses - I mean you live with yourself every day so it's hard to notice the daily changes. Plus different body types show weight loss differently - I feel your pain there - I've lost 20 myself and still wear the same size clothes, but keep at it and it will happen, you'll see the changes. Plus look at that last line - you feel great - THAT is a wonderful change! Finally - those people who lose rapid weight on gimmicks like pills and such will be fat again in 3 months, meanwhile you'll be looking even more terrific!
    SKINNYMESOON2B Posts: 112 Member
    if you are working with a personal trainer most likely you are turning fat into muscle. sometimes things are slow in the beginning but once your metabolism speeds up from you working out you will start burning calories a lot faster. and you will start seeing nice big changes. Keep with it and don't give up!

    keep in mind you burn less calories just to live and be fat then living and have muscle - muscle burns 10-15% more calories then fat does
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    I started working with a personal trainer 2 months ago. In that 2 months I have lost 19.4 pounds.

    First, this is good. You are averaging 10 pound a month. At that rate, that's a total of 40 pounds by Christmas, 60 by the end of February. On top of that, you are making the choices that will help you maintain the weight you want. Keep up the fantastic work and your dedication will pay off.
    I have been doing great, following my calories and exercising very consistently, never gaining, always going down.

    Again, I'd say yes you have been doing great, keep that in mind.
  • jilllemar
    40 pounds by Christmas! I am scared to even believe it. Our ten year anniversary is 4 days before Christmas, and it will certainly be more enjoyable if I am feeling good about my physical self. Plus, that will have me at the same weight as my husband :)

    For anyone whose been morbidly obese and lost the weight, how long does it take to stop being scared and start being confident?
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    My cousins facebook said the exact same and even had another comment on the post made by her that said it's 100% natural....she really did not take it or make the post. I didn't know at the time she didn't make the post so I clicked the link. In the bottom of the link are peoples comments, many say it works but they also are doing a 500 calorie diet and using the raspberry ultra as an appetite suppressant more or less....That doesn't seem healthy and not long term at keeping weight off.
    Eating healthy and exercising will make you feel better and keep the weight off longer, because you are making a lifestyle change not a quick fix.
    Your doing a great job so far!! :) Don't give into the quick and easy fixes. If they really worked then we all would be skinny already :)
  • rlh121172
    don't do diet pills..or any fad for that matter....eating right and exercising is the only way to ever be healthy. no matter what anyone ever tells you. And the best way to help with the frustration is to not focus on the end. Sometimes the end is overwhelming.

    I break my weight loss down into little "bite size" goals if you will...5 pound successes. Today I reached success #1! This is my first week of being able to get back on track after months of hospital stays. The way I see it, I only have 22 more little goals to meet! I am excited by that cause this week has been so easy! if I were to say OH MY GOD, I have 110 more pounds to go, THAT is just overwhelming...but not when I get to celebrate 22 times in between! :) I look forward to each victory!!!

    some history....I was a size 3, 5'10 142 pounds. Because I worked my butt off losing 100 pounds several years ago. The above method is exactly how I did it. Eating right, walking a mile a day, and that's about it.. over the last 2 years I have had MAJOR health issues...life/death kind and gained 123 pounds. This week, I decided I HAVE to take my life back and am back in the game. Since Monday, only eating right and having walked 3 times, one mile, I'm down 5 pounds. No miracle....but I know it works. Part of it is just knowing that I am not aiming for 115 pounds. I am aiming for FIVE. and then 5 more. And 5 more. And I am THRILLED with each 5!

    Maybe give it a try. There are so many more successes to celebrate than feelings of failure or disappointment. I did that for 20 years of dieting...and it sucks!

    BEST OF LUCK and keep up the great work!!!! Its so much easier to commit to a lifestyle change when you enjoy the lifestyle! (by the way....my lifestyle didn't change to cause the weight gain....it was medical related, so the process really does work!) :)
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Don't give in to pills! It might speed weight loss at first, but then your weight will rush back when you quit taking them. Weight loss is easy some months, then other months you will not have great results. It will happen :)
  • lsforbing
    I understand what you are saying. I work with several ladies that are losing weight fast, one is using HCG, one had the sleeve, one had gastri bypass surgery, one had a balloon put in her stomach. To evasive for my taste and according to my nutritionist some not all will put the weight back on and they go through horribe post op issues. I mean the gal that is using HCG can only have 500 calories a day, what happens when she starts eating more than 500 calories and they are all rediuculiosly expensive. Put your money in a nutritionist, a gym, a Zumba class, join the softball game at Church. Play badmitten with your kids.

    The true way to lose weight is to burn more than you intake, plain and simple. As kids we went to recess everyday, think of excercising as the grown-up recess or have recess with your kids, follow them around for a while they will wear you out. That being said I am in the same boat, watching them wear skinny clothes while I am still in my fat pants is frustrating. But I look at it like this, I did not gain 70 pounds in 60 days so why am I beating myself up that I am not losing it fast enough.

    Be patient, stay focused on your diet and exercise and it will come off. You are not following a fad diet that the minute you go off it you gain it back. You are making a life style change to eat healthy and exercise. You will not have to worry about what will happen when you go off it because it is a lifestyle change and you wont being going off it.

    I hope this was helpful to you.