I'm All in this time!!!

I’ve attempted several different weight loss programs (including myfitnesspal) for many of years and have lost a couple of pounds and then I usually get lazy and give up. At almost 190lbs I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life and I hate it. I’ve finally decided that it’s time to get my life back on track and I think my fitness pal is the best way to do it. It defiantly holds me accountable for the foods I put in my mouth. I also like the idea of being able to record all my fitness activities because I use my good cardio days as added motivation. I’ve been consistently recording all my eating and exercise habits for the past 2 weeks and so far I’ve lost almost 10lbs. If you look at my dairy I’ve defiantly had some days that I've splurged but the important thing is I make sure to record everything and I get back on track the next day. I’m defiantly ALL IN THIS TIME!!! If you’re all in let’s be friends and keep each other motivated and hold each other accountable to recording everyday!!!


  • maggiemay22467
    maggiemay22467 Posts: 214 Member
    Your words are my words. I want to do it this time so badly for me and only me. I have lost and gained over the years and have been heavy my whole life. I have friends doing lap band and gastro and that scares me I want to do it the real way. I would love to be friends and be there for each other I want to lose 100 pounds. I have been on MFP for almost two week I am down 6 but I only weigh on Fridays so looking forward to Friday lol.
  • georgygirl
    georgygirl Posts: 104 Member
    My first week back on this site after so many failures need to keep motivated I'm in add me
  • Awesome ladies! We can do this!!! We will lose this weight for sure!!!