So upset

Tomorrow is my two week way in but I could not wait and did it today. I am so upset because I did not lose anything and I have been so good. The first week I lost 6 pounds I am under my daily calories what am I doing wrong, This is when I quit a diet and I dont want to just so upset.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Weight loss is long term. You are expecting miracles overnight
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Do not quit, you can do this. Maybe you could open your diary so we could take a look? Whatever the reason, whether it is your diet, or just one of those crazy unexplained weeks where you did not lose, do not give up. You have to work through the plateaus with the faith that your weight will change.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    There's no point in stopping. As you said, once you mess up, it's hard to continue, right??
    Of course , it's gonna be difficult to continue. That's why it's work. Sad truth.
    I screw up a lot too. Consider it your cheat day.
  • ermand
    ermand Posts: 54 Member
    Plateaus are normal, you may lose nothing now, but next week drop 7-9 lbs. Just keep at it and whatever you do don't be discouraged and give up.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    So your average is 3 pounds a week? That's a really great start.

    I see from your profile that you have 99 to lose. Having been there done that, let me give you this piece of advice right now:

    Create a spreadsheet. Track your weekly losses on it. Calculate your averages.

    You are going to have great weight loss weeks and weeks where you end up "gaining" a pound too.

    The bottom line is that you have to look at long term averages, not short term losses.

    You can have an amazing week nutrition and exercise-wise, and still end the week up a pound. Weight does not follow an exact pattern. Especially for women, we retain water for any number of reasons: hormonal, salt, carbs, heavy exercise. The scale does not reflect our body fat only.

    Don't get discourage, just keep with the plan. It's discouraging to have a great week and see no reinforcement on the scale, but this is a long process. Do I care NOW, 134 pounds later, that I had weeks where I didn't lose a pound? Not a bit. I reached my goal by forging ahead even when I wasn't seeing the scale drop. It always does, eventually.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    We all know that feeling!! Don't think about loing it fast. Think about losing it FOREVER!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Plateaus are normal, you may lose nothing now, but next week drop 7-9 lbs. Just keep at it and whatever you do don't be discouraged and give up.

    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I agree, 6 lbs in your first week is phenomenal! If you average, it's 3 lbs a week, which is also fabulous! Don't give up; keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll notice drops again.
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    Plateaus are normal, you may lose nothing now, but next week drop 7-9 lbs. Just keep at it and whatever you do don't be discouraged and give up.

    One week without weight loss is not a plateau.

    Agreed, I usually have a zero loss every other week, then the next week I lose 4 or so pounds. As long as it doesn't go up, I don't sweat it.
  • eyebex
    eyebex Posts: 12 Member
    Don't fret. There could be many different reasons why any particular weigh-in is not accurate. For example:

    - I am typically 3lb heavier at night than I am in the morning. Always weigh yourself at the same time of day an in the same condition (for example 8am, before eating or drinking any water, after going to the bathroom #1 adn #2, naked, dry)
    - some foods make you retain water. If you ate something salty the previous day, you are likely to have more water weight. I find it goes back to normal in two or three days
    - The scale! Most bathroom scales have bad accuracy/precision. Mine can sometimes vary 2-3 lb

    There is a general consensus here on MFP that a weekly is the ideal frequency for weigh-ins. I disagree with that. I weigh myself twice a day (though I only record once per day). Frequent weigh-ins help me get a better idea of the factors that influence the numbers and they help me better understand the scale's inaccuracies.

    In the end, if you stick with eating withing your calorie goal deficit, you WILL loose weight.

    Stay with it.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I find it so sad every time I read one of these kinds of posts. I know that I did not gain 25 lbs in 1 month so I certainly didn't expect to lose 25 lbs in 1 month. For most of us, this is not a diet--it is a lifestyle change which includes many non-scale victories (NSV) along with wieght loss. If you think of it as a diet and then one bad day is cause to quit, then you will never know what you are capable of. If you look at it as a lifestyle change, every little change is a celebration. Then, your NSV's become as important as the needle on the scale.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Tomorrow is my two week way in but I could not wait and did it today. I am so upset because I did not lose anything and I have been so good. The first week I lost 6 pounds I am under my daily calories what am I doing wrong, This is when I quit a diet and I dont want to just so upset.

    You losed 6 pounds in your first week, your body should not be losing that much so the second week it stopped a second and said wait a minute, we need to slow this truck down. Being under your calorie goals will not ensure weight loss because you need to eat at a healthy amount.

    You can't expect instant results in 2 weeks (even though 6 pounds in 2 weeks is amazing and much much more than I have ever lost). You need to keep at this for a minimum of 90 days (when it will just become habit and not a cursed thing to do)... it you don't see results then, come back and we can help ya
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm sorry, you lost 6 lbs in one week and now complaining that the next week you didn't lose any? Thats an average of 3 lbs per week. Thats more than the 1lb a week recommended. Its a long term thing and you take the average lbs lost.... doesn't happen by the book I can tell you from experience. Everybody is different so be patient for goodness sakes.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Tomorrow is my two week way in but I could not wait and did it today. I am so upset because I did not lose anything and I have been so good. The first week I lost 6 pounds I am under my daily calories what am I doing wrong, This is when I quit a diet and I dont want to just so upset.

    Do the math, there is no way you lost 6 pounds fo fat in one week. You were probably low on fluids on your final weigh in that week. I'd recomend weighing yourself every single day. That way you can get a feel for how your body weight fluctuates with your fluid status.
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    I looked through your meals. Eat all of your calories, watch the sodium. If your water intake is logged correctly...drink more water.

    Just my opinion. I hope it helps.

  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    First off you won't lose 6lbs each weigh in. I did not lose weight over night. Do you work out? If so do you workout every day? Maybe your muscles need a break? Try measuring yourself with a measuring tape, see if you lost any inches. Keep track of inches not just pounds. Are you eating the right amount for you? Eating less doesn't always mean weighing less. Everyone is different and different things work on different people. How is your sodium? Sodium can make you or break you. To many carbs can break you as well. So many things can cause things to stall.
  • I completely understand how you feel. I use to do the same thing when I'd have a week that I didn't see any progress I would get discouraged and cheat a little or just completely give up but giving up didn't make me happy either nor did it make me any skinner. So this time around I haven't given up and I won’t give up. I had to realize all the things everyone else has already said like your weight can fluctuate depending on salt or water intake or hormones and other things and the fact that it will take time to lose this weight. So instead of focusing all on the scale and the number I've been using other factors to help keep me motivated. If I weigh and see no change I think awesome I didn't gain anything. If I'm still feeling a little down about no weight loss I look at my calories did I eat enough without going over and if I did that's a wonderful accomplishment! I also look at my exercise progress and see if I was able to do something this week that I wasn't able to do last week. Weight loss isn't easy but we appreciate the things that we have to work for a lot more than when they just come easily to us. Keep your head up and stay focus!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    So your average is 3 pounds a week? That's a really great start.

    I see from your profile that you have 99 to lose. Having been there done that, let me give you this piece of advice right now:

    Create a spreadsheet. Track your weekly losses on it. Calculate your averages.

    You are going to have great weight loss weeks and weeks where you end up "gaining" a pound too.

    The bottom line is that you have to look at long term averages, not short term losses.

    You can have an amazing week nutrition and exercise-wise, and still end the week up a pound. Weight does not follow an exact pattern. Especially for women, we retain water for any number of reasons: hormonal, salt, carbs, heavy exercise. The scale does not reflect our body fat only.

    Don't get discourage, just keep with the plan. It's discouraging to have a great week and see no reinforcement on the scale, but this is a long process. Do I care NOW, 134 pounds later, that I had weeks where I didn't lose a pound? Not a bit. I reached my goal by forging ahead even when I wasn't seeing the scale drop. It always does, eventually.

    I think this is great advice for even those of us with less to lose.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    You're upset about a 3 lb a week loss?! First of all that's a lot! Second - did you gain all your weight in 2 weeks? No - so you're not likely to lose it in 2 weeks either. AND I bet you didn't gain the weight in perfect 3 lb increments each week either. Weight loss is an average. Some weeks you lose, some you don't. Celebrate your 6 lb loss and CONTINUE the journey rather than just quitting now. You can do it!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi, I really understand how you feel about the weight loss. It is a real dissapointment. But how do you feel? Are you feeling good? Are you feeling in control of your eating habits? If you are then don't let the number on the scale change how you feel. If you didn't feel that way then you should. Look what you have accomplished. Two weeks of logging, two weeks of eating healthy food. You Rock!