Has anyone heard all the hype about Rasberry Keytone on the Doctor Oz show?

I'm wondering if it is safe and if any one has lost weight taking it.

I heard it was all nature and people have lost lots of weight on these pills.

Tell me your experience if you have taken these pill and if they work.

I'm not really into diet pills but I heard they are nature and I have not heard anything negative about them so far.


  • purplestrawberry311
    My physical trainer told me to look into somekind of Fatburner to take before workouts. Because guys take "pre-workouts" and see results and I was wondering what women should take in equivalant. When doing my research I wanted an all-natural one and Rasberry Keytone was at the top of the list. Im still doing research but if anyone has tried it, I'd love to hear your opinion.

    Thank you :)
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    You can search and see that it doesn't work. Here is a recent thread
  • alicialudwig
    Hello All,

    I am going to throw myself out here and admit I have purchased these pills even though folks are making negative judgments towards those that believe in them. I am not embarrassed to admit this since I started taking the pills on Monday and have lost 2lbs. of my belly fat. I am not going to say that these pills are the reason, but I have been dieting for the past four months and averaging .9 lbs. per week loss. My lower stomach has always been my battle with the fat. That is where I am losing and see the change. I am going to continue using these pills in addition to my diet and exercise plan. Just wanted to share in case others are still curious and are looking into trying them out. They are not really expensive and may work for you. Everyone is different. Give it shot if you feel like it.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    waste of money
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    do they play reruns of this episode every week or what