I honestly feel like I can't do this.

You don't know me, but I want to say that this is NOT in any way for attention. I am absolutely serious and I am just looking for some motivation and support and hopefully some helpful advice.

I don't know how everybody does this. I am mentally addicted to food. I eat when I'm not hungry. I started a diet yesterday and my snacking time is always around midnight (I'm a night owl) so around that time, I literally could not stop myself from thinking of food. I even tried googling gross videos of how certain foods are made (hotdogs for example) so that I wouldn't be hungry. No. That didn't work. I was reading a book and I couldn't even concentrate because all I wanted to do is go make a hotdog and some mac & cheese. At MIDNIGHT. After the fact that I already consumed over 800 calories during the day.

So I went and grabbed some baby carrots and saltines and it just didn't work. I couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't stop thinking of the food I wanted. I ended up making the hotdog and mac & cheese :/

I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to not think of food. I am so miserable every single day. I have never been overweight until pregnancy and I've hated every minute of it, yet I can't do anything to change it.

I can't afford the Weight Watchers program or I'd love to try it.

ANY tips or advice is appreciated!

Thank you!


  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    If I ate only 800 calories, I would be hungry and thinking about food all of the time, too. You're not eating enough. You should be eating, at the very least, 1200 calories. I personally can not do it at 1200 calories. I have mine set for 1600 calories and I'm still at a deficit so that I am losing weight. The way I am doing this is by eating whatever I want as long as I don't go over 1600 calories. That's my first step. I'll change a little bit at a time because I know that I'll fail if I try to do it all at once.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    Go to bed earlier and eat AT LEAST 1200 cals :)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    First of all, eating only 800 calories in a day would make me wh0re myself out for a hot dog. You should figure out what you need to be eating calorie wise here:


    Then go here:


    and realize it really doesn't matter WHEN you eat those calories
  • greentiffanie
    greentiffanie Posts: 15 Member
    You can do it! It's really hard and I have times when all I want to do is eat (a lot of those lately), it's okay to give in to your cravings some times-just limit how much you have and drink lots of water that helps curb your appetite a lot. Also add lots of good active friends on here to support you on your bad days, I have awesome MFP friends and they have helped me tons!! Feel free to add me and good luck :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    If I ate only 800 calories, I would be hungry and thinking about food all of the time, too. You're not eating enough. You should be eating, at the very least, 1200 calories. I personally can not do it at 1200 calories. I have mine set for 1600 calories and I'm still at a deficit so that I am losing weight. The way I am doing this is by eating whatever I want as long as I don't go over 1600 calories. That's my first step. I'll change a little bit at a time because I know that I'll fail if I try to do it all at once.

    Hope this helps. :flowerforyou:

    This is good advice. In addition to eating more calories, I'd make sure they were nutritious. Mac and cheese and hot dogs don't offer much nutrition. Eat lots of veggies, fresh meats, and whole grains. Look at your macros to make sure you got enough from each category without overloading yourself with preservatives and salt.

    Also, stick with it for awhile. When I first started trying to reduce my intake, I thought about food a lot too. It got easier as time went on.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Your diary isn't open so I can't tell anything for certain. What is your calorie goal? Do you have it set for 2 pounds loss per week? Looking at your profile, you don't have much to lose, that much of a deficit may be too much for you (if that's what you have MFP set for). If you aren't eating enough, then it's understandable you may be thinking about and starving for food. Try setting your goal for only 1/2 pound or 1 pound per week.

    You say you routinely have a midnight snack. Are you trying to eliminate this snack period and changing up when you eat? Maybe continue to have this midnight snack and either fit in smaller portions of the foods you are craving or select other healthier options. Eating late won't hurt you if it fits within your calorie goals for the day. If eating a midnight snack makes you happy and fits your routine and goals, do it.

    If this is truly just an emotional reaction and not about your body actually needing food, you need to try to figure out what emotional need you are trying to fill with food. This is part of the whole package deal of getting healthy for a great many here.

    edit: I see I missed the part in the post about eating only 800 calories. Yes, this is a problem. You can eat a lot more than that and still lose weight.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    It's called head hunger. Get some therapy. Hypno-therapy worked for me. You can overcome it. I promise.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    First of all, eating only 800 calories in a day would make me wh0re myself out for a hot dog. You should figure out what you need to be eating calorie wise here:


    Then go here:


    and realize it really doesn't matter WHEN you eat those calories

    This ^^^ !
    I was going to post the road map.

    Second, open your diary.
    Third add everyone on this thread that is supportive, you then have your support group.

    Losing weight should not be painful or difficult - ask us any questions, you'll get a mishmash of answers but you can learn from all of that.
  • majikkan
    majikkan Posts: 15 Member
    You are learning the fundamental lesson of deficit eating: You cannot cheat your body. If you eat far below what you need, you will make up the difference, and often in the worst possible ways. The last time I had an 1100 calorie day, I responded by having 2600 calories the next day, including wings and beer.

    800 is not healthy. Even if it worked, you would lose weight too quickly and end up with a loose skin issue, not to mention the health problems you'd be risking. Listen to these people. You're not eating ENOUGH. :)
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i totally understand what you are going through.I used to eat 3000 calories in the day but come midnight i would finish off another 3000 calories in an hour or so!! And for the last 1 month i am more than satisfiend on 1500 calories a day
    First and foremost start exercising..the endorphin rush you get from a workout keeps the hunger pangs away.Secondly,try taking in whole grains or carbs with low GI such as oatmeal and brown rice.You will never feel hungry after that.if you have to eat something other than that...try pair it up with a protein source.Protein is amazing when it comes to killing those hunger pangs! And last of all try and take it as a challenge everyday to be within your calorie goals and try looking forwards to the goodjobs! and well done's when u complete your diary
    Hope it helps :)
  • I would try to eat about 1400 calories a day...up your protein and vegetables. I know exactly where you are coming from...I love chocolate...crave it so I bought these slimfast bars that are 100 calories and when I get a craving thats what I have. You will find as you exercise more and start eating the right foods that addiction will slowly fade. It took me about a month to get there...it is so hard at first but You CAN do it..You are worth it!! Its ok to treat yourself as well, its realistic and its ok! Last night you caved..dont be too hard on yourself..today is a new day!
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    I eat 1800-2000 calories/day and never limit the types of food (as long as it is relatively healthy). I exercise 6-8hrs/wk and I've lost 61lb so far. It's completely doable if you do it. If you want something bad enough you'll make it happen, if not, you'll make excuses.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    As others have said, it sounds as though you have set your calorie goal too low. So first, bump that up.

    If you are in the habit of eating around midnight, plan for it. When you go to plan out your day, plan to eat a small meal or a snack late at night. Despite conventional diet lore, eating late does not affect your weight loss as long as you stay within your calorie goal for the day. So plan to have a few hundred calories late at night, at least for the time being.
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    I agre with many of the previous posters. Reset your goals. 1 or .5 pounds a week max. This isn't going to happen in a week or a month, it's going to take time. Also try eating ore protein, it keeps you fuller longer. MFP protein goals tend to be low s raise yours and make it a goal. Never go more than three hours during the day ith out eating, when you get too hungry you are more likely to binge. Go to bed earlier...it might help and they say weight loss goes better on a good amoun of sleep. Good luck!
  • schparks
    schparks Posts: 74 Member
    Just start slow - set your calorie goals for a half pound a week (my guess is if you have a lot to lose, this number will be relatively high). Stop being so focused on the big picture. Baby steps. Develop good habits. Don't beat yourself up over a "bad" day. You can do it. I have a lot to lose, but having random MFP friends is really helping my focus and motivation - add me if you'd like extra help! :)
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    First of all, eating only 800 calories in a day would make me wh0re myself out for a hot dog. You should figure out what you need to be eating calorie wise here:


    ^^ This. I busted through a plateau by using the roadmap and upping my calories from 1,600 to 1,800 a day. It was scary eating more, but it's also not realistic to be eating 800 calories in a day. This should be a lifestyle change, but nothing too drastic! Moderation is key. I eat whatever I want, just not as much of it as I used to. Feel free to look at my diary if you want. I had mac n cheese for lunch yesterday, it made me sick, but I still was able to fit it in my calorie goal.
  • Ichristini
    Ichristini Posts: 66 Member
    I used to feel this way, I'd tell myself, "I'd rather eat what I want, drink what I want and be heavy and happy" But I wasn't happy. I was heavy and let food fool me into thinking I was happy.

    I wish I could tell you what changed for me, but I can't. My mindset just changed and I made the decision to DO THIS!

    i struggle the most at work. So I ALWAYS bring planned snacks and count out how many I would be allowed within my daily limits. I never snack at home, just at work.

    You have to figure out whether or not its time for you. You have to be mentally and emotionally ready to do it! Good Luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Whenever I get to feeling a little low, I take off my clothes and look in the full length mirror. That's enough to scare ANYONE back into submission! :D

    I got fat eating all the junk all the time. Then I hit bottom. I was so disgusted with myself that I just decided it was time. I put on blinders and haven't looked back.

    But I don't starve myself. I did that years ago. I lost lots of weight....and put it all right back on. You have to decide if you can change your life FOR life. Its not a temporary thing...its forever. You cant eat next to nothing forever. You have to make your peace with food. You have to build a relationship with it that is healthy. No one every said it was easy, but God it IS worth it.

    My diary is always open. Its up to you. People here can motivate you but only YOU can change your life. I wish you good luck!
  • b1delane
    b1delane Posts: 261 Member
    I am a foodie too so i know what you mean when you say you are always thinking about food. My best advice to you would be to just eat when you feel like you want to. I mean don't go overboard by eating way outside your caloric intake but eat small amounts of food you enjoy. Trying to snack on things that you don't enjoy (from my personal experience) leads to overeating anyways because you end up eating what you craved in the first place. All you have to do to compensate for the food you ate is work out harder and longer. I personally got so tried of working out to compensate for my love of food that I had to strengthen my mind against my weakness for food. I slowly realized that eating all the time was just what I was used to, it comforted me. If I wanted to get healthy I had to change all my habits to maintain my new lifestyle. Don't get me wrong I still struggle with this on a daily basis but it gets easier each day. It really is a mind over matter issue that you have to overcome. It will take time but the satisfaction you will receive from you improvement and results will surpass your love of all things food! Keep up the good work and stay positive about your current situation. You can do it!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    You must eat. Friend people who are positive about their weight loss. You wil usually find that those people are successful with their weightloss. If you feel hungry then eat. Actually I feel hungry now I'm goons eat. See ya!