Tough Start

I started mfp less than a week ago and am struggling a little bit. Probably because i have never been on any kind of diet!

Event though I have exceeded my alloted calories almost every day, I won't give up! I will keep logging honestly and changing my eating habits as I go. Any advice offered would be much appreciated :)


  • how many cals you takin in per day?
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    keep logging..keep looking at the back of whatever you eat and/or looking it up on mpf, and itll take u a good 2 weeks to really get the hang of it. ull b like "yeah....i can do this.." and then throw in some exercise and ull b good to go. :)
  • zhahn
    zhahn Posts: 10
    I started mfp less than a week ago and am struggling a little bit. Probably because i have never been on any kind of diet!

    Event though I have exceeded my alloted calories almost every day, I won't give up! I will keep logging honestly and changing my eating habits as I go. Any advice offered would be much appreciated :)

    First you need to change the way you look at it.. its not a diet.. it should be a lifestyle change. I was the same way. I just started choosing healthier foods and now I enjoy the healthier foods and prefer them. I'm about 55 days into it all and I'm on here everyday. I exercise 7 days a week and I enjoy the feeling after a workout. :) Just start small at first.. if you cant set your diet to be 2lbs/week then lower it to 1lb/week or so.. that way you can have more calories and still on your goal.
  • I agree! So much better to think of it as a lifestyle change. Diets are temporary so you will fall of the wagon at some point. Also, put up pics of what you want to look like or what goal you have. I want to be able to run 5 miles at a time...I have written this goal everywhere! It helps!
  • Lee_louh
    Lee_louh Posts: 37 Member
    Plan you meals and then log them before you even start to cook.
    I find it a lot easier to 'calorie budget' ahead of time, even adding things the day before, this way I don't tend to have several higher calorie meals in a day, I also find it easier and more appetising to know what I intend to eat. It gets me in the mood for that, rather than fast food, or cooking a pizza.
    And finally, welcome. :)
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over your calorie counts... You just started and its going to take some practice to figure out what you can/can't/should/shouldn't be eating. Don't give up. Just because something works really well for one person doesn't mean that its going to work the same either. None of us got here because we planned on it, but its going to take planning to get out of it. Make friends, try new things, new foods ~ try staying away from McDonalds ~ LOL...

    You can do this. Lots of people have. Feel free to add me. =)
  • zhahn
    zhahn Posts: 10
    Plan you meals and then log them before you even start to cook.
    I find it a lot easier to 'calorie budget' ahead of time, even adding things the day before, this way I don't tend to have several higher calorie meals in a day, I also find it easier and more appetising to know what I intend to eat. It gets me in the mood for that, rather than fast food, or cooking a pizza.
    And finally, welcome. :)

    I try to plan all my meals out ahead of time. I have all kinds of containers in my fridge with the number of calories labeled on top. This way I have options and can have a variety of things. I found this site and found it very helpful!

    Check it out when you get a chance.
  • SexyTmar
    SexyTmar Posts: 23 Member
    My allowed is 1200, but I have eaten 1300 - 1700 since I started, except one day that I was a little under.
  • if u know what u are going to be having, log ahead of time, that way u can see how many calories are in it before you eat it and maybe cut down on your portion sizes.
  • SexyTmar
    SexyTmar Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and support.

    Of note, I did just go back and revise some entries to ensure a more accurate count and found that I was ripping myself off on some stuff! For example, I kept recording my home brewed cup of morning coffee as a McDonalds 16 oz double / double because that is what I had my first day using mfp!!! There was actually a pretty big difference lol :)

    I know that adding regular exercise is going to be an absolute must. I appreciate the suggestions of planning and logging ahead and will try this to see how it works out.

    Once again, I would like to say thanks. I am sure it will be more fun and I will be more successful with all the obvious support that mfp offers.
  • It can be so difficult but once the weight falls of it gets easier. I have fallen off the wagon since I went on holiday but will be featuring a MyFitnessPal day on my new blog to motivate me to carry on! Hopefully if the world can see my progress then it will motivate me to stop eating the chocolate! Check out my post if you think it will help at all! I will be doing my very first day of it tomorrow and will keep everyone posted with yummy but helpful recipes and weight loss etc. Good luck!!
  • I could use some good friends