
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hello my name is darnella i am 21 years old i have tried to lose weight for two years now i have tried and tried to lose weight but nothing worked. everytime i can never stick to my diet, i always break my diet somehow or forget to do my excersice. As a kid i was always pretty small. it all started about 2 years ago i started gaining more and more weight. i couldnt control my craveing for food. i gained alot since then. since 2 years ago i gained about 100 pounds. i am hopeing to lose weight and feel better anout myself again.


  • Hi there. You have certainly come to the right place. The support and motivation you can get from here is excellent. I am sure that with the right focus on what you eat (and tracking calories in my opinion is the best way) and introducing regular exercise into your life you will reach your goal.

    Good luck and welcome.
  • Hello!

    Its' nice to meet you :) You should know that, after the high school years, it is normal to gain weight. So many people do, but there is a big difference between the rest of the people and you, you are actively trying to lose the weight, which is awesome! It can been really really hard, and that's why it is an accomplishment that you have joined this website, and are working towards this goal. Don't let yourself get discouraged! You can do this! =D

  • thanks forall of your encoragement. and i encorage you not to give up either
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