
Hi, I just started on Tuesday and lost 4 lbs. I have always eaten the right foods, no fast foods, no junk food....but still I am 30lbs overweight, (pic. 2009) I know, it is because I eat too much of the good I will have 3 bananas a day...i know it is a no, no but still did it..... I am excited but I have been in the same situation of starting to watch what I eat and something triggers me to change again and go back to eating too much of the good stuff......any help with this??


  • hi i'm new at this also if you would like to add me as a friend feel free.
  • How do you add a friend?? when did u start?
  • Aloha! Feel free to add me.
  • im new myself, please anyone feel free to add me. i need all the motivation i can get!
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    How do you add a friend?? when did u start?

    go to the persons name under their profile picture and when you get to their page there is a place on there to add as friend I just sent you a request :)
  • HI,
    As soon as I get to Target ( tomorrow) I will start the Diet Doc. I kind of sounded like you. I work out but i eat too much of foods I like! I know I eat way too many carbs so I am trying the Diet Doc. Maybe we can help to motivate each other-
  • hathor1943
    hathor1943 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I just started this week. I came across the site by accident and am glad I found it. I like the food and exercise logs. I had gastric bypass Dec. 2009 and was 309 and am now 159. I was as low as 154 but am putting a few pounds on which I don't want to do. A lot of people think surgery is the easy way to lose weight but it isn't. I did it to survive. I couldn't lose weight on my own and keep it off. Over my lifetime I have gained and lost 150 pounds over and over, but still ended up over 300 pounds. At the age of 67, I had the bypass surgery. I have started to put on a few pounds and am so afraid to gain a lot of weight back. Therefore I am logging everything I eat on a daily basis and hope this helps. I am retired and eat out of boredom or if I'm anxious or upset. I just hope I can get some moral support.
